Saturday, October 1, 2016

Information On Anti Aging, Causes of Aging and Preventing Aging Diseases

What is information on AntiAging?

For most of us, it means preventing, stopping or reversing the aging process. Most of us have an idea that if we are good and eat our vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy eating choices,that maybe we can prevent many of the aging diseases that we seem destined to get. But is that enough?

Should we do more? And what about some of the other problems of aging, like gray hair, wrinkles, and hormone decline. What can we do about those seemingly inevitable changes?

How can we look and feel better as we move into the later part of our lives? What do we need to do to maintain our energy, our stamina, reduce our lines and wrinkles, sleep well and feel like the vital attractive people that we know we are, without resorting to expensive, invasive, painful or possibly dangerous methods. Quite simply, how do we naturally stop aging?

Many of us want to improve our appearance but avoid surgery and other expensive cosmetic procedures. Many would prefer not to be a slave to Botox, which by the way is the botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin. Not something I want to put in my body!

So it is my goal here to provide you with easy, inexpensive safe and natural routes to achieve the results you seek, to look and feel younger, more vital and to have everyone guess your age... incorrectly!

What Makes Us Age?

The true information of anti aging includes the question, "What are causes of aging?" If we know we can prevent it, right? We all want to age well, look good, feel great and avoid getting sick.
Well, it isn't quite that simple because it isn't any one thing. There are multiple causes of aging and many theories as to why the body ages.

Why does one person seem not to age at all while his next door neighbor is visiting the doctor every other day? Why does one person look ten or more years younger than her age when another looks her age or older. It doesn't seem fair, does it?

The good news is more information on anti aging is arriving every day as new studies reveal more and more causes of aging. And of course, once we know the causes we can come up with solutions.

One field of study that is exciting many people is epigenetics.

This new information on anti aging may shed some light on how our DNA affects our aging process. Many people involved in the study of epigenetics feel that we have some control over how our genes are expressed through our lifestyle choices.

If we live a healthful lifestyle we may be able to overcome some of the negative effects of our genetic expression. On the other hand, if we smoke or expose ourselves to unhealthful environmental factors we may do the opposite.

Can We Really Avoid Aging Diseases?

Is it really possible to avoid many of the aging diseases that seem to plague us as we grow older? What kind of information on anti aging do we need and what must we do to keep getting from sick and spending our older years visiting doctors instead of playing golf or traveling.
After working hard, raising families and making many sacrifices in our younger years, isn't it time to relax and enjoy more leisure time having some fun?

I say yes there are ways to avoid aging diseases and you will find those ways here. I want you to live long, healthy, joyful lives filled with all your favorite activities.

If you would like to see what some of those age-related diseases are and how to avoid them click here to get lots of anti aging tips.

Information on AntiAging, Stress and Aging

Let's face it stress and aging seem to go hand in hand. It is stressful getting older and facing the loss of our youth. And living in our times with an overload of information is very stressful.
We get a daily dose of stress every time we turn on the news hear about the latest crisis. We are pummeled ever time we hear those drug commercials touting the latest drug inevitably aimed at alleviating some aging disease that we fear getting. We feel defeated.

How do we handle this daily stress? We must if we are following an anti aging regime since studies show that chronic stress can speed the aging process.

What About Low Hormones and Hormone Decline?

Really critical information on anti aging includes that fact that as we age our hormone levels decrease. This causes many of the problems and symptoms of aging. Our muscles and strength decrease and our energy can decline.
A word that you may have heard recently is andropause. Although it isn't an official word in medical terms, it has been described as "male menopause". This word describes the slow decline of androgens or male sex hormones.

It isn't as dramatic as menopause can often be, but comes with its own set of andropause symptoms that may be mild or may affect your life quite dramatically.

Menopause signs, on the other hand, are well known to be quite disruptive to sleep, life and mood. There are some annoying symptoms that you may not even be aware are related to menopause.

Another pause you may not have heard of is somatopause, which describes the decline of the human growth hormone with its set of age-related symptoms.

All of these "pauses" have an impact on our quality of life as we age. They can greatly affect how we look, perform and feel in our later years. And yes there are natural ways to deal with all of them. Many natural anti aging health products are available to help bring us back to our more vital selves and in these pages I would like to introduce you to them.