Friday, February 3, 2017

Menopause Supplements That Help Naturally

Menopause supplements can not only provide relief to women who suffer the many and varied symptoms of menopause, but they can also provide women with a means to look and feel like our younger selves. These helpful supplements can provide necessary nutrition for optimal body function. Herbs can provide hormonal support through phytoestrogens and other supporting plant properties. Let's take a look at what some of these supplements are.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is an effective menopause supplement for reducing hot flashes, night sweats, menopausal headaches, irritability and nervousness, heart palpitations, sleep disturbances and depression. Studies have shown that black cohosh can be as effective as hormone replacement therapy.

Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry)

Vitex is an effective hormone regulator and can be helpful during peri-menopause to regulate irregular menstrual periods or too frequent menses. For some women, vitex can increase libido and help with vaginal integrity and lubrication.

Red Clover

Red clover has many benefits for menopausal women. It contains abundant phytoestrogens to supplement and help prevent menopause symptoms. It is also rich in calcium helping add to bone strength. You may be familiar with this menopause supplement in the commercial brand Promensil.This herb to be effective must be used as a tincture or as a water infusion (like making tea). If you are on blood thinners consult a professional before using, as this herb has blood thinning properties.

Dang Gui

Dang gui is an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to regulate the menses among other things. It acts to balance hormones and is useful in alleviating symptoms of menopause. It can help regulate mood swings, reduce hot flashes and relieve headaches.


Flaxseed and flaxseed oil , an omega 3 oil, may help some women with mild menopause symptoms. One study found that flaxseed reduced hot flashes by 35% and night sweats by 44% in women with mild symptoms.

St John's Wort

Many people know that St. John's wort is useful for mild depression but it can also be beneficial for women during menopause. Evidence shows that when combined with black cohosh, St. John's wort can improve mood and smooth the mood swings associated with menopause. St John's Wart can interact with many medications, so consult a health professional before using. It can also cause photo sensitivity, so use caution when exposed to sunlight.


Most people think of sage as an herb used in turkey stuffing. However, sage contains estrogen like compounds, so sage might help ease menopause symptoms. Preliminary results have been promising in showing a reduction in menopause symptoms among users.


As with any herbal supplement, if you are taking pharmaceutical medication, always check with your health care provider before starting to take an herbal supplement. Do not use any of the above supplements if you are peri-menopausal and there is a possibility that you could be pregnant.

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