Saturday, March 11, 2017

HGH Enhancers And Aging

Human growth hormone is made in the pituitary gland. As the name implies, it is important for growth. As for adults, HGH helps in maintaining the healthy condition of our organs and tissues. This is the reason why it is regarded as the anti-aging hormone.

The production of HGH levels reduces as we age. The terms may contradict with each other, but it is true that the decrease in HGH levels is part of growth and development. Since it has been known as anti-aging, HGH supplements are introduced to the public after researches produced positive results.

HGH enhancers, as the name implies, enhance the HGH production in our bodies. A lot of the human growth enhancers are made from real HGH; it does not mean that they contain actual HGH. These are used by many people who want to “regain” their youth. However, these need to be combined with a recommended diet from a doctor, and proper exercise. Also, even though studies have been conducted, very few can really discuss the benefits one can get from HGH enhancers.

The use of these reduces the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and lines. These also help restore the strength of the muscles, immune system, and nerves. These supplements also help us in getting enough rest.

With the decrease in production in our own bodies, these supplements help our bodies fight the frailty that usually comes with aging. These supplements enhance our bodies’ natural way of countering the effects of aging.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Aging Gracefully Using Antioxidants

It seems that everyone is looking for the fountain of youth in beauty products, creams, serums, or worse yet – surgery. While aging is a natural part of life, the effects of aging can be minimized by making a few changes to your lifestyle that are not as costly or risky as some other methods. The secret to aging gracefully using antioxidants is perhaps found in ways that many people don’t even think of, such as the foods they eat.

You’ve heard it before that a healthy diet can do wonders for your body, but did you realize that it could actually help to fight the effects of aging? Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its peak.

The effects of aging are more than just wrinkles and sagging skin. Brain function decreases and memory loss is incurred, as well as risk factors for diseases increase. Antioxidants are believed to be the key to unlocking longevity and avoiding disease. Phytonutrients are part of the family of antioxidants and work to rid the body of “free radicals”, which cause illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory, as well as antioxidants, can literally slow the effects of aging at the cellular level. Certain aging effects can actually be reversed by eating foods such as cold-water fish as well as fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored. Foods that are considered pro-inflammatory can actually speed up the aging process and should be eliminated from your diet whenever possible. Saturated and trans fats, sugar, and starch make insulin levels rise which in turn sets off an acceleration of the aging progression.

Oxidation is the process of browning and drying out. If you have ever noticed what happens when you cut an apple in half, you’ve noticed what oxidation can do. While the process of aging can never be stopped completely, the premature effects of free-radical damage can be halted by the use of antioxidants such as green and white tea and rose hip oil. Vitamin C is perhaps the most important of all, and when blended with Vitamin E, the benefits are increased as these vitamins reduce the effects of UV light, and help speed up the healing function.

Other vitamins that are vital antioxidants are Vitamins A, B-6, B-12, Beta-carotene, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Selenium. Making sure you are supplying your body with enough of these antioxidants is vital, and whether you ingest them through nutritional supplements or apply them topically by way of creams, it only matters that you are receiving them.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Common Causes of Aging

People will all experience the aging process as it is a natural part of life, but it is very possible to slow down the negative effects of aging once we realize what it is that’s speeding it up. Intrinsic aging is the natural process of aging that usually starts when a person reaches 25 or so. Extrinsic aging happens when environmental factors work to prematurely age the skin and make people look much older than they are.

In the intrinsic aging process, the production of collagen and elastin decreases and dead skin does not shed as quickly as it once did. A person’s genes control much of this process, as you may know, people who have gray hair in their 20s, but others do not see any gray until they reach 40. It is difficult to fight the effects of intrinsic aging as it is very much built into our genes.

With extrinsic aging, the most damaging of factors is often damage from sun exposure. Smoking is another large cause of premature skin damage.

Gravity and repeated facial expressions are also leading reasons for wrinkles and sagging skin. Daily life stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet and exercise round out the main reasons for skin to age prematurely.

Sun damage can actually occur with only minimal daily exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Age spots, freckles, spider veins, and rough skin that look like leather are common effects of sun exposure. Skin cancer, of course, is the worst of the injuries that that sun cooks up and photoaging, while not as severe, causes a premature look brought on by fine lines and a blotchy complexion.

Smoking cigarettes are known to cause cancer and be bad for our overall health, but smoking also causes deep wrinkles and leathery-looking skin. The chemicals in cigarettes bring about a biochemical change in our bodies that speed up the aging process. Whether you smoke or spend time around a smoker, the signs of aging will affect you. Stopping smoking is the only way to diminish the effects of smoking.

Stress and lack of sleep are two more reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles and advanced age.

By incorporating a healthier lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise along with regular indulgence in relaxation activities, the effects of premature aging can be significantly lessened.

Serotonin and melatonin are chemicals released when a body sleeps and are vital in the elimination of depression and the regeneration of cells.