Sunday, February 5, 2017

Anti Aging Exercises to Look and Feel Young

Anti Aging exercises if done regularly will make you look and feel younger. Not only will it tone and strengthen your muscles, it will reset your metabolism so you lose weight more easily, it will sharpen your mind, it will alleviate arthritis pain, it will make you more flexible, it will tighten your skin and thereby reduce wrinkles. These are only a few of the benefits of anti aging exercise. We won't even mention that it will improve bone density and your cardiovascular system.

If you haven't been a regular exerciser throughout your life it is best to check with your medical professional first, then start slowly with some easy exercises.

What are some of the anti aging exercises that we will cover here?

They are:

stretching weight & strength training yoga aerobic exercise qi gong & tai chi exercises for the brain exercises for the face exercises for the eyes

...and I will be adding more all the time.

I will be adding video demos of anti aging exercise in the future, so keep checking back.


Why is stretching an anti aging exercise?

Stretching keeps us flexible, increases the blood flow to our muscles, increases our range of motion in our joints, gives us better coordination, and prevents injury.

If you have never really followed a stretching exercise routine before, it is best to go to your local gym and have a trainer work with you to do it right without injury.

If you have been a regular stretcher hopefully you have been doing it right. So I will give you a few rules of thumb to make sure you are the right path.

  1. Never bounce when you stretch.
  2. Don't push past your comfort zone. Stretching should be pleasant. It takes a time to become flexible and doing a little bit every day will get you to your goal sooner than if you injure yourself by pushing too hard.
  3. Breathe into every stretch, push to a point of tension but not pain and try to hold it for a count of 10 while breathing deeply.
  4. Warm up a little before you stretch by doing some light exercise for a few minutes. Never stretch when you are cold and haven't warmed up.
  5. Don't lock your joints when you stretch, but keep them loose.

Weight and Strength Training

The main benefits of using weights as part of your anti aging exercise are that it jump starts your metabolism making it easier to lose those stubborn pounds that come with middle age. Not only that but it strengthens your bones, adds tone and a youthful look to your figure and brings nourishment to your skin with increased blood flow which ultimately will give your skin a smoother more youthful look. Weight and strength training also adds agility as your muscles get stronger.

If you have never weight trained it is definitely a good idea to have a professional show you some exercises so you (as with stretching) do them right and don't hurt yourself. You will start with lighter weights and work your way up, never straining but feeling your muscle working. The key is to do it right to avoid injuring joints.


Yoga is a fabulous anti aging exercise since it provides stretching and strength training all in one. It keeps the spine flexible and strong, helps lubricate the joints to alleviate arthritis and other mobility problems, strengthens the lung function as breathing is incorporated into the exercise and alleviates stress. Yoga has many more benefits too numerous to mention and yogis who look 20 years younger than their true age are the testaments to this.

If arthritis is a problem for you then yoga and arthritis should be just what you need. It is an easier and more specific form of yoga that has shown to really help people get back to doing the things they love without pain.

Most towns and cities have yoga studios these days and I encourage you to check one out and try a beginner class for yourself. You will be surprised at the benefits if you have never tried it before.

Aerobic Exercise

According to the Mayo Clinic, 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise like walking, swimming or bicycling can help you live longer and healthier as it improves the function of your lungs, heart and blood flow. Aerobic exercise increases the oxygen in your blood, increases the blood flow to your muscles, widens your capillaries to allow more blood flow and will carry away waste products that your body produces. You will feel an increased sense of well-being as your body releases endorphins, your body's natural painkillers in response to the exercise.

All aerobic exercise is the exercise for the brain since it increases blood flow to the brain to bring nourishment and remove waste.

Pretty good deal for doing just 30 minutes of exercise.

Qi Gong and Tai Chi

Qi gong (pronounced chi gong) is the ultimate anti aging exercise. It has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years and is one of the anti aging secrets of the east that has been getting some recognition in the west in recent years. Along with Tai Chi, it is has been used in China and other Asian countries to restore health and to promote longevity. It is similar to yoga and has many of the same benefits. As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine I have studied, taught and instructed my patients in the use of this anti aging technique for healing and to promote longevity with great success.

Qi gong exercises range from quiet meditation to slow deliberate movement to more vigorous. Tai chi incorporates slow dance like movements. There are a qi gong and a tai chi style to meet everyone's ability level and need.

We have a qi gong exercise for the face, to promote a youthful appearance and also a qi gong for the joints to alleviate arthritis and promote flexibility.

All qi gong and tai chi are focused on promoting health and vigor by keeping all organs and systems working at their optimum.

Simple AntiAging Exercise for the Eyes

Here is one simple exercise for the eyes. This will help exercise the eye muscle that helps with close and far vision.

Sit where you have a view of something (a focal point) in the distance. Focus on that object then hold a pencil up about a foot in front of your eyes. Focus on the pencil. Don't strain to do this just let your eyes rest on each object. Then look again at the distant object and back again to the pencil. Repeat this back and forth about 9 times. Do it daily.

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