Friday, November 25, 2016

Tips For Healthy Aging

While the phrase may cause other people to raise eyebrows, healthy aging is the key point in living a youth that never fades.

True, with the medicines modern science has brought, we are able to fight a lot more health problems, thus letting us live longer. Indeed, it has also brought us means in countering what all of us fear, aging. However, it is also because of modern science that living a long life is within our grasp.
The key to aging healthy is a healthy lifestyle. That means watching what you eat, exercising and avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking to excess.

Good nutrition is still the number one concern when it comes to our health. Maintain a healthy diet and complement it with supplements. As we age, our bodies go through changes and these changes affect our nutritional needs. As we get older, we cannot absorb as many nutrients from our food so maintaining a nutritious diet and taking supplements, including anti-aging nutrition supplements, will help us improve our wellbeing.

An active lifestyle is beneficial for healthy aging, too. Doing the right exercises, according to age and health condition, will enhance our physical well-being. It’s also been proven that physical activities can also improve our emotional wellbeing. Doing some cardiovascular activity as well as weight training will help you keep excess pounds off and also keep your muscles tones which mean improved balance and mobility.

Not everyone knows that a positive attitude can also be an anti-aging. Your attitude affects not only your mental strength but also your health. Negativity causes stress and stress has a huge impact on the psychological decline that is often associated with aging. In fact, stress can even lead to wrinkles, darks circles around the eyes, and serious health problems.

Diet, lifestyle, and attitude are all part of healthy aging. In short, live life, the healthy way and you will enjoy a long and happy life!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Longevity Anti Aging

Longevity, or long life, is the goal of pretty much everyone so there is much longevity  anti aging programs and techniques talked about today. But, perhaps the best thing we can do to ensure a long life is to live a healthy one.

While there are a lot of nutrition supplements, and anti-aging supplements that can slow down aging, there is NO supplement that can reverse it. Alls you can do is try to avoid disease and the way to do that is to avoid smoking, pesticides, toxins and stress and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoiding sugary snacks and processed foods is key to good health and longevity.

New studies are being conducted all the time that link healthy living and longevity. Longevity anti aging has become the top concern of our aging society. The following indicates the results of these studies.

Consult a doctor or nutritionist about your current diet and change what you eat accordingly. A healthy diet varies from one person to another since one’s health condition affects his or her nutrition needs. A diet that works for a diabetic might not work for someone who is suffering from high blood pressure.

Increase your water intake. Water cleanses our bodies and helps us flush toxins. Water is needed by our bodies for them to function well. Keep in mind that soda and alcohol cannot replace water in our bodies.

Exercise. As we age, our muscles atrophy and we become less flexible. Yet, having good flexibility and strong muscles are key to being productive in our older years. Consult with a professional to find what types of exercises fit your condition the most.

Living a healthy life is the most important factor in the longevity anti aging battle. Though genetics might have a lot to do with how long and healthy your life is, you may be able to influence the outcome by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Anti-Aging Techniques

We age, that is a fact. Each and every day we age. However, there are some anti-aging techniques that we can use to make aging less noticeable and live healthier and longer lives.

To counter aging, researchers produce technology and products that can help us maintain our youth longer. In addition to taking advantage of these products and techniques, you can also make sure you live a healthy lifestyle.

The following are some things you can do to age gracefully:
  1. Reconsider your diet. No, too much sugar intake. Eating too much sugar will not only pack on the pounds, it also wreaks havoc on your body systems and invites disease and illness.
  2. One of the most simple anti-aging techniques is to drink plenty of water. An individual needs at least 8 glasses of water a day. Since our body is mostly composed of water, it is only logical to replenish it with water and not with soda or alcohol when used.
  3. While one should avoid most fats, there are a lot of healthy fats such as fats from fish, nuts and plant foods like avocados.
  4. Ensure you have enough rest. Stress and pressure speed up aging. These two can make someone look older than he or she truly is.
  5. Protect yourself from harmful environmental factors. Sun block creams and lotions available help our skin become more resistant to sun damage. Supplements will also protect our body from environmental toxins.
  6. Exercises make us healthier and stronger. The healthier we are, the more our bodies are resistant to show aging signs.
The above mentioned anti-aging techniques are just a few of the natural ways that can help a person keep his or her youth. Avoid smoking, don’t drink to excess, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid stress, get plenty of rest and exercise and you should live to a ripe old age!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

5 Steps To The Fountain of Youth

Once many people reach their 40s the changes that take place in the body can no longer be ignored. Some complaints that doctors hear about are sagging body parts, lack of energy, low libido, abdominal obesity and so forth. One of the main issues at play in the aging process is low levels of human growth hormone (HGH). Let’s discuss why optimal HGH levels are so important for fat loss, a healthy libido and wellbeing.

HGH is the hormone responsible for the vast majority of your growth as a child. As an adult it does a lot of other things, such as increasing bone mineralization and muscle mass, protein synthesis, cellular growth and fat breakdown.

HGH is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the human brain which is main gland in the endocrine system.

HGH is an anabolic hormone and works harmoniously with the hormones cortisol and adrenaline to burn fat and to build muscle. Trouble begins when hormones become unruly or your body stops making sufficient amounts of HGH. For example, studies show impaired HGH levels can increase fat, break down muscle and decrease energy levels.

A study in the journal Clinical Endocrinology found that adults with HGH deficiency suffer from social isolation, emotional instability and a decreased sex life compared to individuals with normal HGH levels.

If you suspect you have low levels, you can use these five steps to naturally optimize HGH in your body to boost fat loss and build lean muscle.

  1. Decrease Sugar Intake: Excess sugars keep insulin, a hormone, elevated which results in storage of fat and decreased HGH levels.
  2. Sleep More: Only during your deepest sleep (stages 3 and 4) can your body make HGH. Studies prove that individuals deficient in sleep also had decreased HGH levels.
  3. Stress Less: When stress – real or imagined – becomes chronic, so do cortisol levels, which can drastically decrease HGH levels; this will increase abdominal fat and lethargy.
  4. Melatonin: Supplementing with melatonin can help stimulate HGH secretion. One study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that 5 mg of melatonin taken at night increased HGH by an impressive 157%.
  5. Natural HGH Spray: You can combat HGH deficiency by using an all-natural oral supplement spray and experience some of the same benefits as users of prescription injectable products. Sytropin combines HGH with L-group amino acids and Growth Factors to provide the highest quality HGH supplement available without a prescription. Sytropin has no known side effects and is not a steroid.

If the above steps do not seem to improve your condition within 60-90 days, seek medical attention, preferably an endocrinologist. You may need an insulin hypoglycemia test to determine your HGH deficiency.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ways To Slow Down Facial Aging

The face is one of the parts of the body that people notice first. And when facial aging sets in, you know you will hear something from other people about it. After all, you yourself may be responsible for this occurrence.

Collagen, elastin and moisture are important substances in keeping your skin firm, elastic, and young. Some activities you do or habits you have, however, diminish the production of these substances. As a result, you experience skin aging, particularly facial aging. Wrinkles and fine lines start to appear in your face even if you are just in your 30s.

You do not have to have surgery done to solve your problems on skin aging. You can do simple, practical things to maintain your youthful glow. One of these is by making sure that your face is clean before you sleep. Wash your face especially if you have applied makeup that day. Remember to be gentle on the eye area whether you are washing your face or applying makeup or creams to your face. This region is very delicate and being slapdash toward it, may just cause wrinkles in that area.

Aside from being bad to the lungs, smoking is also hazardous to the skin. It weakens your body’s capability to take in and keep oxygen and antioxidants. Now, you have more reasons to go cold turkey.

Too much exposure to the sun’s harmful UV radiation can cause your skin to look old. Therefore, you should apply sunscreen that has sufficient sun protection factor to save you from photoaging. Using eye serums like Vivexin can help keep the skin around the eyes looking youthful and wrinkle-free.

You also have to maintain a healthy diet to prevent facial aging. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that will keep dirt and toxins from your body. You also have to drink a lot of water as this gives your body enough moisture.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Sun and Aging Skin

You’ve probably heard that the sun and aging skin don’t mix. Well, the truth is that the aging process caused by the sun starts early on – even as early as your 20’s so protecting your skin when it comes to exposure to the sun isn’t something you can put off thinking about until you get older!

There are hundreds of activities under the sun which are really enjoyable to do. These include playing sports like basketball, beach volleyball, swimming, and baseball; strolling and exercising in the park; walking the dog; going on a picnic and; hiking. Indeed, exposure to the sun is unavoidable. What you can avoid, though, is getting a lot of skin problems due to excessive exposure to the sun.

Some of the more common skin problems caused by too much exposure to the sun are skin cancer, brown sun spots and melanoma, which can be fatal. Another thing that we should remember is that the sun and aging skin work hand in hand.

The sun causes the skin to age due to several factors. First, being out in the sun means that you can also be exposed to UV radiation. Your collagen, which provides your skin elasticity, can be broken down by UV radiation. Another factor why the sun brings about skin aging is it reduces the moisture that your body has, making your skin dry and look lifeless.

If you do not want these problems and you also do not want to stay away from the sun, you have to apply for protection. You can wear a cap or clothes that do not absorb heat. The best option, however, is for you to apply sunscreen before getting exposed to the sun. Make sure that your sunscreen has enough and appropriate sun protection factor and it will also protect you from both UV-A and UV-B radiation.

When it comes to the sun and aging skin, you can’t be too cautious! An ounce of prevention today will prevent a pound of wrinkles in the years to come.