Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ways To Slow Down Facial Aging

The face is one of the parts of the body that people notice first. And when facial aging sets in, you know you will hear something from other people about it. After all, you yourself may be responsible for this occurrence.

Collagen, elastin and moisture are important substances in keeping your skin firm, elastic, and young. Some activities you do or habits you have, however, diminish the production of these substances. As a result, you experience skin aging, particularly facial aging. Wrinkles and fine lines start to appear in your face even if you are just in your 30s.

You do not have to have surgery done to solve your problems on skin aging. You can do simple, practical things to maintain your youthful glow. One of these is by making sure that your face is clean before you sleep. Wash your face especially if you have applied makeup that day. Remember to be gentle on the eye area whether you are washing your face or applying makeup or creams to your face. This region is very delicate and being slapdash toward it, may just cause wrinkles in that area.

Aside from being bad to the lungs, smoking is also hazardous to the skin. It weakens your body’s capability to take in and keep oxygen and antioxidants. Now, you have more reasons to go cold turkey.

Too much exposure to the sun’s harmful UV radiation can cause your skin to look old. Therefore, you should apply sunscreen that has sufficient sun protection factor to save you from photoaging. Using eye serums like Vivexin can help keep the skin around the eyes looking youthful and wrinkle-free.

You also have to maintain a healthy diet to prevent facial aging. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that will keep dirt and toxins from your body. You also have to drink a lot of water as this gives your body enough moisture.

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