Monday, February 6, 2017

Live Well With Anti Aging Herbs

Anti aging herbs can help us look and feel young and healthy. They can help us keep our minds sharp and improve our memory, they can keep our blood circulating efficiently to avoid problems with our hearts and brains, they can increase our metabolism, boost our energy, improve our libidos, help prematurely graying hair, bring sparkle to our eyes and so many wonderful things I can't even list them all.

Herbs have been used for millennia to treat all kinds of ailments, and they have been used in Asia, India and by many indigenous peoples throughout the world to maintain their youthful vigor. Many anti aging secrets are contained in these anti aging herbs.

As a practicing herbalist, I can tell you that the benefits of these herbs are real and if used in the proper way, can help to bring their anti aging magic to you. Below you will find some of the best anti aging herbs, however, there are much more that I will add from time to time, so check back often.

One word of caution, herbs will interact with many medications, so if you are taking any kinds of medication it is best to check with a knowledgeable source such as a licensed holistic practitioner or trained and experienced herbalist before starting on any herbal regimen.

The Best Anti Aging Herbs


Most everyone has heard of ginseng. But did you know that there is more than one kind of ginseng and that they have varying properties?

Ginseng is generally known to boost energy, increase vitality and stamina. It is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body adapt and adjust to stressors including physical activity, sports, illness and daily stresses that typically deplete the body. In this regard, it helps boost physical performance and well-being. It has shown to lower blood sugar and boost immunity.

Varieties of Ginseng

All the Ginsengs provide the benefits listed above but they have differing properties and strengths.

White Ginseng is warming in nature and is more appropriately used by men, but can be used by women too.

Red Ginseng sometimes is also known as Korean is the warmest and is stronger than White or American varieties. It is also commonly used.If you are a peri or post menopausal woman, however, this variety is not appropriate for you due to its warming nature.

American Ginseng has more cooling properties and is more appropriate for women to use.

Wild Ginseng is the strongest of all the ginsengs and is also the most expensive. It comes from Northern China.

Ginkgo & Gotu Kola for the Brain

Both of these herbs have benefits for brain function.

Ginkgo helps increase blood flow and circulation to the brain and extremities and can help improve short-term memory. It has strong antioxidant qualities that are particularly directed to the brain helping with overall brain health. Some people may have sensitivities to ginkgo and can get headaches, skin allergies or GI upset.

Gotu Kola is beneficial in improving memory and learning and can be used to improve mental clarity. It can also be helpful in improving varicose veins and vein function and in decreasing anxiety.

Saw Palmetto for Men

A very important anti aging herb for men saw palmetto is used in treating benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) otherwise known as enlarged prostate. It helps in improving urination by lessening the frequency and improving flow and reducing pain and discomfort.

It is always important for men to first see a health care provider to rule out prostate cancer if any of the above symptoms are present.

Dang Gui & Red Clover for Women

Dang gui is used in Asian Medicine and is known sometimes as women's ginseng because of its unifying effects. It is used most often for women's issues and is helpful in alleviating peri and post menopausal symptoms. It is also used as a blood tonic and regulator and can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Red Clover is also useful for peri and posts menopausal symptoms since it contains plant estrogens. It is also considered an anti-cancer herb by many people. Studies have also shown that red clover improves the circulation and may be useful in preventing heart disease.

Horny Goat Weed & Muira Puama Libido Boosters

Horny Goat Weed also is known as Epimedium has been used in Asia for millennia as a tonic herb and aphrodisiac and is now gaining popularity elsewhere. It is used primarily to treat erectile dysfunction and to improve libido. It has been shown to work by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area and it appears to inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme which is the way in which Viagra works. It also acts to boost and regulate hormone levels.

Muira Puama comes from the Amazon and is used similarly to Horny Goat Weed as a libido tonic. It works similarly by increasing blood flow to the pelvis. UCLA School of Medicine conducted a study that showed a significant improvement in both erectile function and sexual desire by the participants. Muira Puama can also have a stimulating effect and can interfere with sleep, so caution must be used not to overuse the herb.

Just remember, some are good, more isn't necessarily better.

Mushrooms are Anti Aging Herbs

Reishi also is known as Ganoderma is a mushroom used in ancient China for longevity. It was called the elixir of life and for years was available only to Emperors. Reishi mushrooms have multiple benefits. These include immune boosting, liver protecting, cholesterol lowering. It is also antioxidant, antiviral, and increases coronary blood flow.


Rhodiola is an anti aging herb due to its ability to improve mental performance, reduce the effects of stress on the body, boost the immune system, alleviate depression, enhance muscle strength and endurance, improve energy, and aid in weight reduction.

Polygonum Root

Last but not least on our list of anti aging herbs is polygonum root also known as he should wu or fo ti. It has been used in China for millennia to restore original hair color for prematurely graying hair. At the very least it will add luster and improve the health of your hair, and rejuvenate your body. The English translation of the name "he shou wu" means "black-haired Mr. He", who reportedly lived to be 132 years old. Polygonum root is also used to reduce cholesterol.

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