Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Maintaining Brain Fitness and Health

When we consider our brain fitness as we age, one of our biggest fears is losing mental capacity. We all have our moments of forgetfulness. This is normal. But what if it continues to get worse or what if we lose our abilities to function in the world? I am sure that most of us know someone with a relative that has Alzheimer's Disease or some form of dementia.
However, we also know people that are brain sharp well into their 90's or more!!

So what can we do? How do we keep our brains and minds sharp as we age?

Much research is being done on this topic and new information becomes available on a daily basis. The jury is still out on preventing or curing Alzheimer's, but there is evidence that certain foods, exercises, and supplements may be helpful to keep the brain functioning at its best and even to avoid much brain disease, and especially to avoid mild cognitive impairment and stroke.

Anti Aging exercise is one of the most important things you can do for brain health. Recent evidence shows that physical exercise is one of the most important factors in keeping the brain healthy. Physical exercise keeps the blood flowing strongly in the brain. Where blood goes so do the nutrients the brain needs to function optimally. Blood also removes waste to keep the brain tissue healthy.

Brain exercise is also important to keep the brain cells firing strongly and to keep the neural pathways functioning smoothly. Keeping the brain fit and actively is as important as keeping the body active. Challenging the mind with new learning is one of the best brain exercises. By learning new things we keep the signals in our brains firing actively, keeping those pathways open and even creating new ones.

Anti aging food filled with antioxidants are especially important in brain health. Look here to find out how antioxidants help keep us (including our brain) healthy.

Many anti aging vitamins can be helpful to nourish the brain and to keep brain fitness. Many of them are antioxidant too, which is vitally important in brain health.

Anti aging herbs can help in some very specific ways to keep blood flow strong. Many are also strongly antioxidant as well as having other helpful properties.

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