Saturday, December 10, 2016

Are You Eating Enough Anti Aging Antioxidant Foods?

Antioxidants help the body neutralize free radicals – those renegade cells that are thought to cause disease, illness and some aspects of aging. People look for an anti aging antioxidant formula because they want to stay as young and healthy as they can be. They prove to be beneficial to the health of those who use them. Some examples of such antioxidants are green tea extracts, cranberry extract, olive oil extracts and the like. Antioxidants are in many of your favorite healthy foods and in your vitamin supplement pills. Many dark colored berries, such as blueberries, contain significant amounts of anthrocyanins, a signficant source of powerful antioxidants. A substance found in the skins of grapes used in wine, resveratrol, has shown great promise in reducing the effects of a high fat diet in causing heart disease (the so-called “French Paradox”). Clearly, the effects on antioxidants on our health and longevity should not be ignored.

Consuming food containing these is truly beneficial because it helps boost your immune system. Being healthy and staying healthy are two ways you can stay younger and more vibrant. Eating foods with high nutritional value is something individuals must consider but if you don’t get enough vitamins and antioxidants in your food, you should also consider supplementation.

Although there are scientists and doctors working round the clock in finding a cure to everything, it will be many decades before they make progress on todays age related diseases. So, it’s in your best interest to get on an anti aging antioxidant program. It has been said that people who live and eat healthy are most likely to have a longer lifespan. Eating healthy foods and supplementing to be sure you get enough of the important foods will help to keep you slim, energetic and disease free.

Supplements such as Proleva and Juvenon are targeted at providing the body with targeted, highly concentrated amounts of the same anti-aging antioxidants that could only otherwise by consuming massive amounts of fresh fruit “superfoods”  (goji, noni, acai among others) and copious amounts of red wine (resveratrol). For many people, supplementing with antioxidant products is a safe, Affordable way to ensure a significant amount of antioxidants are added to their lifestyle.

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