Friday, December 9, 2016

Memory and Aging | Anti Aging Solution

As we grow old, our body undergoes changes. One thing that few people realize is that as we get older, our bodies start to develop less of the chemicals our brain cells need to function. Brain cells start to diminish and memory function is affected.

Memory and aging are associated with each other because it has been noticed that older people have a tendency to forget a lot of things. As we age, the way our brain stores and recalls information may also change.

Short term memory like what you ate for breakfast or where you went last night isn’t usually what is affected.  Long term memories such childhood memories also aren’t usually affected. It is the most recent memory which contains events that happened a few days ago, or a few hours ago that might be the things you forget.

Getting a little bit forgetful is natural and nothing to worry about.  Here are some ways you can counteract the forgetfulness that comes with aging:

  1. Note down important events you need to attend to. Keep lists if needed.
  2. If you can, follow a routine. Develop the habit of good organization, such as keeping your shoes in one area, keeping canned goods in a separate area.
  3. Use special marks such as landmarks, to find places.
  4. When you meet someone for the first time, repeat their name as you are introduced.  This will help you to remember it moments later when you want to get their attention.
  5. Use a detailed calendar.
  6. When trying to find the right word, run through the alphabet. Knowing the first letter of the word you are trying to remember will only confuse you more.

A little loss of memory and aging can be normal, but if you are becoming overly forgetful, you might want to schedule a visit to your doctor to rule out anything more serious.

You may also want to consider taking a nutritional supplement, like Intelliboost, that contains many of the natural herbs that have shown promise in memory retention and focus.

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