Monday, December 12, 2016

What Are the Best Anti Aging Supplements?

As we age we need a little help, a little boost along the way. That is what many anti aging supplements are good at doing. Some of them are also helpful to correct some of the abuses our bodies have suffered in our earlier days. If our diets have been less than perfect or we have indulged a little too much in social excesses then anti aging supplements may be useful.

It is helpful if we think of these supplements in categories that address various area connected to the aging process. Many supplements have more than one function and may fit more than one category which only increases their usefulness!

For instance, we have antioxidants that limit the free radical damage which I will explain below.

Anti-inflammatory supplements are becoming more popular as researchers are discovering that inflammation may contribute to heart disease and many other aging-related problems. Of course, there is the cholesterol reducing supplements and supplements for eye health, supplements for joint and bone health such as arthritis supplements and many others. These days we can find an anti aging supplement to help with just about any age-related disorder.

Immune system supplements are helpful as we age, as our bodies may not be as good at fighting foreign invaders as when we were younger. Stress vitamins are also helpful since stress can lower our immunity.

Many men have concerns about prostate trouble and prostate supplements are excellent at alleviating prostate symptoms.

Below you will find some suggestions for some good supplements. Anti aging herbs also have many of the same benefits as supplements and in some cases have their own special benefits. Check back often as research is always uncovering new products that can benefit us all!

What Are Antioxidants and What Do They Do?

Most of us have heard the term free radicals and we have an idea that they are bad for us. Free radicals are produced during chemical reactions within our bodies called oxidation. This is a necessary process, but it can have damaging effects.

Many of the diseases of aging may be attributed to free radical damage. Many feel that cancer and coronary artery disease is a result of free radical damage.

Our own bodies produce antioxidants to a certain extent to limit the build up of free radical damage, but as we age our body doesn't produce as much of our natural antioxidant as it did when we were younger.

Because of this, it is helpful to consume antioxidants through antioxidant food and anti aging supplements. Anti aging vitamins are a good source of antioxidants.

Resveratrol is another antioxidant that is getting a lot of notice. The benefits of resveratrol may be found here.

What Can We Do to Boost Our Immune Systems

As we get older our immune systems can weaken leaving us open to getting all kinds of illnesses from flu to shingles. What kind of immune system supplements are available to keep us strong, healthy and keep us from picking up every bug that comes along?

Colostrum supplements are immune system boosters that you may not have heard of. As we know stress can hinder our immune system from working at its optimum and stress vitamins are helpful here. Some anti aging herbs are also good immune boosters.

Hormone Boosting Anti Aging Supplements

Most of us are aware that as we get older our hormones start to decline to cause many problems from energy, and muscle loss to hot flashes and memory problems. None of us want the side effects of lower hormone production. Much controversy surrounds taking hormones and the unwanted side effects and potentially serious health problems of this type of therapy.

If we don't want to take artificial hormones or even bioidentical hormones what can we do? Menopause supplements are of great benefit to women in helping to reduce and even eliminate menopause signs. Supplements are available for andropause symptoms and even for somatopause.

Anti-inflammatory Supplements

Inflammation in the body is caused by your own body's immune response to invading pathogens like viruses and bacteria. It is an important and necessary response to protect us. However, chronic inflammation in the body is not a good thing!

Current research is showing that inflammation can lead to atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke. Evidence also suggests a connection between inflammation and a predisposition for the development of cancer. It is in our best interest to limit chronic inflammation to try and avoid some of the worst diseases that often come with advancing age.

Some anti-inflammatories are anti aging vitamins like Vitamin E and others. Omega 3 oil is also exceptionally helpful in reducing inflammation.

Anti Aging Supplements for the Brain

If you are at all worried about some of the aging diseases like Alzheimer's Disease, or even mild cognitive impairment you are probably thinking about what brain supplement to take and what you can do to avoid those problems.

Research into brain health, ways to improve our brain function and prevention of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is an ongoing process. We now know that many ways exist to improve brain function and evidence is being uncovered that nutrients and supplements can play a large role in how our brain ages.

Omega 3 oil with its anti-inflammatory properties is a good brain supplement. Acetyl-L-carnitine is also being used for Alzheimer's Disease and brain health in addition to other uses.

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