Human growth hormone is made in the pituitary gland. As the name implies, it is important for growth. As for adults, HGH helps in maintaining the healthy condition of our organs and tissues. This is the reason why it is regarded as the anti-aging hormone.
The production of HGH levels reduces as we age. The terms may contradict with each other, but it is true that the decrease in HGH levels is part of growth and development. Since it has been known as anti-aging, HGH supplements are introduced to the public after researches produced positive results.
HGH enhancers, as the name implies, enhance the HGH production in our bodies. A lot of the human growth enhancers are made from real HGH; it does not mean that they contain actual HGH. These are used by many people who want to “regain” their youth. However, these need to be combined with a recommended diet from a doctor, and proper exercise. Also, even though studies have been conducted, very few can really discuss the benefits one can get from HGH enhancers.
The use of these reduces the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles and lines. These also help restore the strength of the muscles, immune system, and nerves. These supplements also help us in getting enough rest.
With the decrease in production in our own bodies, these supplements help our bodies fight the frailty that usually comes with aging. These supplements enhance our bodies’ natural way of countering the effects of aging.
Your source for information, research, and breaking news on the latest in anti-aging solutions
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Aging Gracefully Using Antioxidants
It seems that everyone is looking for the fountain of youth in beauty products, creams, serums, or worse yet – surgery. While aging is a natural part of life, the effects of aging can be minimized by making a few changes to your lifestyle that are not as costly or risky as some other methods. The secret to aging gracefully using antioxidants is perhaps found in ways that many people don’t even think of, such as the foods they eat.
You’ve heard it before that a healthy diet can do wonders for your body, but did you realize that it could actually help to fight the effects of aging? Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its peak.
The effects of aging are more than just wrinkles and sagging skin. Brain function decreases and memory loss is incurred, as well as risk factors for diseases increase. Antioxidants are believed to be the key to unlocking longevity and avoiding disease. Phytonutrients are part of the family of antioxidants and work to rid the body of “free radicals”, which cause illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory, as well as antioxidants, can literally slow the effects of aging at the cellular level. Certain aging effects can actually be reversed by eating foods such as cold-water fish as well as fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored. Foods that are considered pro-inflammatory can actually speed up the aging process and should be eliminated from your diet whenever possible. Saturated and trans fats, sugar, and starch make insulin levels rise which in turn sets off an acceleration of the aging progression.
Oxidation is the process of browning and drying out. If you have ever noticed what happens when you cut an apple in half, you’ve noticed what oxidation can do. While the process of aging can never be stopped completely, the premature effects of free-radical damage can be halted by the use of antioxidants such as green and white tea and rose hip oil. Vitamin C is perhaps the most important of all, and when blended with Vitamin E, the benefits are increased as these vitamins reduce the effects of UV light, and help speed up the healing function.
Other vitamins that are vital antioxidants are Vitamins A, B-6, B-12, Beta-carotene, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Selenium. Making sure you are supplying your body with enough of these antioxidants is vital, and whether you ingest them through nutritional supplements or apply them topically by way of creams, it only matters that you are receiving them.
You’ve heard it before that a healthy diet can do wonders for your body, but did you realize that it could actually help to fight the effects of aging? Fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at its peak.
The effects of aging are more than just wrinkles and sagging skin. Brain function decreases and memory loss is incurred, as well as risk factors for diseases increase. Antioxidants are believed to be the key to unlocking longevity and avoiding disease. Phytonutrients are part of the family of antioxidants and work to rid the body of “free radicals”, which cause illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory, as well as antioxidants, can literally slow the effects of aging at the cellular level. Certain aging effects can actually be reversed by eating foods such as cold-water fish as well as fruits and vegetables that are brightly colored. Foods that are considered pro-inflammatory can actually speed up the aging process and should be eliminated from your diet whenever possible. Saturated and trans fats, sugar, and starch make insulin levels rise which in turn sets off an acceleration of the aging progression.
Oxidation is the process of browning and drying out. If you have ever noticed what happens when you cut an apple in half, you’ve noticed what oxidation can do. While the process of aging can never be stopped completely, the premature effects of free-radical damage can be halted by the use of antioxidants such as green and white tea and rose hip oil. Vitamin C is perhaps the most important of all, and when blended with Vitamin E, the benefits are increased as these vitamins reduce the effects of UV light, and help speed up the healing function.
Other vitamins that are vital antioxidants are Vitamins A, B-6, B-12, Beta-carotene, Zinc, Folic Acid, and Selenium. Making sure you are supplying your body with enough of these antioxidants is vital, and whether you ingest them through nutritional supplements or apply them topically by way of creams, it only matters that you are receiving them.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
The Common Causes of Aging
People will all experience the aging process as it is a natural part of life, but it is very possible to slow down the negative effects of aging once we realize what it is that’s speeding it up. Intrinsic aging is the natural process of aging that usually starts when a person reaches 25 or so. Extrinsic aging happens when environmental factors work to prematurely age the skin and make people look much older than they are.
In the intrinsic aging process, the production of collagen and elastin decreases and dead skin does not shed as quickly as it once did. A person’s genes control much of this process, as you may know, people who have gray hair in their 20s, but others do not see any gray until they reach 40. It is difficult to fight the effects of intrinsic aging as it is very much built into our genes.
With extrinsic aging, the most damaging of factors is often damage from sun exposure. Smoking is another large cause of premature skin damage.
Gravity and repeated facial expressions are also leading reasons for wrinkles and sagging skin. Daily life stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet and exercise round out the main reasons for skin to age prematurely.
Sun damage can actually occur with only minimal daily exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Age spots, freckles, spider veins, and rough skin that look like leather are common effects of sun exposure. Skin cancer, of course, is the worst of the injuries that that sun cooks up and photoaging, while not as severe, causes a premature look brought on by fine lines and a blotchy complexion.
Smoking cigarettes are known to cause cancer and be bad for our overall health, but smoking also causes deep wrinkles and leathery-looking skin. The chemicals in cigarettes bring about a biochemical change in our bodies that speed up the aging process. Whether you smoke or spend time around a smoker, the signs of aging will affect you. Stopping smoking is the only way to diminish the effects of smoking.
Stress and lack of sleep are two more reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles and advanced age.
By incorporating a healthier lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise along with regular indulgence in relaxation activities, the effects of premature aging can be significantly lessened.
Serotonin and melatonin are chemicals released when a body sleeps and are vital in the elimination of depression and the regeneration of cells.
In the intrinsic aging process, the production of collagen and elastin decreases and dead skin does not shed as quickly as it once did. A person’s genes control much of this process, as you may know, people who have gray hair in their 20s, but others do not see any gray until they reach 40. It is difficult to fight the effects of intrinsic aging as it is very much built into our genes.
With extrinsic aging, the most damaging of factors is often damage from sun exposure. Smoking is another large cause of premature skin damage.
Gravity and repeated facial expressions are also leading reasons for wrinkles and sagging skin. Daily life stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet and exercise round out the main reasons for skin to age prematurely.
Sun damage can actually occur with only minimal daily exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Age spots, freckles, spider veins, and rough skin that look like leather are common effects of sun exposure. Skin cancer, of course, is the worst of the injuries that that sun cooks up and photoaging, while not as severe, causes a premature look brought on by fine lines and a blotchy complexion.
Smoking cigarettes are known to cause cancer and be bad for our overall health, but smoking also causes deep wrinkles and leathery-looking skin. The chemicals in cigarettes bring about a biochemical change in our bodies that speed up the aging process. Whether you smoke or spend time around a smoker, the signs of aging will affect you. Stopping smoking is the only way to diminish the effects of smoking.
Stress and lack of sleep are two more reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles and advanced age.
By incorporating a healthier lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise along with regular indulgence in relaxation activities, the effects of premature aging can be significantly lessened.
Serotonin and melatonin are chemicals released when a body sleeps and are vital in the elimination of depression and the regeneration of cells.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Retin-A For Wrinkles
There is nothing more offending than to be mistaken for someone who is older than what your age really is. Imagine being with your sisters and someone mistakes you for their aunt. Or worse, imagine being with your boyfriend or husband and someone thinks you are his mother. Premature aging is made more obvious by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face and neck area. Wrinkles can be caused by a lot of things including stress, smoking, dehydration, excessive exposure to the sun, and the shortage of vitamins in the body.
Thankfully, we all have many options now to make these folds disappear. One of them is Retin-a for wrinkles. There are many facial and skin creams in the market that contain Retin-A, which comes from Vitamin A. Apparently, Vitamin A is not only good for the eyesight, it also does wonders for the skin.
Retin-A paves the way for the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the body. Retin-A causes the skin to be firmer, thus eliminating wrinkles and fine lines. A practical application of Retin-A for wrinkles is before you get married. Planning for the wedding will most probably be stressful for you, making wrinkles and fine lines appear. Applying Retin-A will solve this problem. You will look young again during your wedding day as the substance is known to work in just six weeks.
There are side effects, though, which include dryness and redness of the skin. These symptoms, however, are easy to address.
Thankfully, we all have many options now to make these folds disappear. One of them is Retin-a for wrinkles. There are many facial and skin creams in the market that contain Retin-A, which comes from Vitamin A. Apparently, Vitamin A is not only good for the eyesight, it also does wonders for the skin.
Retin-A paves the way for the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the body. Retin-A causes the skin to be firmer, thus eliminating wrinkles and fine lines. A practical application of Retin-A for wrinkles is before you get married. Planning for the wedding will most probably be stressful for you, making wrinkles and fine lines appear. Applying Retin-A will solve this problem. You will look young again during your wedding day as the substance is known to work in just six weeks.
There are side effects, though, which include dryness and redness of the skin. These symptoms, however, are easy to address.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Anti Aging Creams that Work
Some of the most important ingredients in anti aging creams include collagen, retinol, vitamin E, vitamin C, and herbs with anti aging properties. Collagen is found in our skin, and it what makes skin look supple, young, and firm. Some anti aging creams use peptides to increase the production of collagen in the skin, which is necessary to maintain this firm and youthful appearance. With these types of creams, an individual should start seeing results in four to twelve weeks of use. The problem is that most people, who do not see quick results, will stop using the product before the four weeks, rendering the product useless. With beauty aids, it is important to let the compounds do their work according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Another effective ingredient is Argireline. This complex is supposed to mimic the effects of Botox, but without destroying the protein that is involved in the release of neurotransmitters, such as Botox does. This ingredient is included in creams and is for individuals who do not want to try injections. Another effective ingredient is the palmitoyl peptide, which helps in the increase of collagen in the skin. Many anti aging creams with this ingredient can be found in all price ranges.
Other ingredients that are effective include apple root extract, oxa acid, pomegranate juice, and a yeast complex known as saccharomyces/Pichia Petone. When looking for the right anti aging product people should focus on ingredient research and effectiveness, instead of name or brand. However, many reputable brands include the best anti aging ingredients.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Erase 10 Years From Your Head To Your Toes
For a person who wants to look younger from head to toe, there are easy things that can be done to accomplish this task. First of all, a person does not need to get surgery to look younger automatically.
There are easy fixes that can be applied to a person's everyday look that will take years off her looks. Here are a few suggestions that will aid any person in her attempts to look younger and erase years off her life, look wise.
One quick change that can be made to make any woman look years younger is changing the way in which she does her makeup. There are some women who wear their makeup in such a way that it actually serves to add years to their face instead of creating a look of glowing youthful exuberance. A woman can use a foundation that will brighten her complexion, this will make her face look younger and fresher with little effort. Eye makeup can also be changed to give off a younger appearance.
If a woman applies too much eye makeup it can serve the purpose of making her eyes look old and haggard. There definitely needs to be a good balancing act, where more natural looking eye makeup will make her look younger. There still should be something on the eye to cover up and make her eyes pop, but not too much so as to look like it's weighing her down. The proper color lipstick or lip gloss can also add a youthful look to any woman’s face.
Another thing that can be easily changed to make any woman look younger is her wardrobe. A woman should not be afraid to buy new clothes every year. A wardrobe should never date a woman. If a woman is wearing clothes that are not current with the style than she will automatically look older just by the focus on her wardrobe. A person could buy new clothes that are in style while still dressing appropriately for her age. New clothes do not automatically have to be for young kids, the clothes can be age appropriate with a sense for the current fashions.
Another thing that can make someone look young all over, is good skin care. A person should make sure that they have a daily skin care routine that works to make skin look younger, fresher and firmer.
Looking younger is an attainable quality without breaking the bank or even putting in an excessive amount of work. A person just needs to try these few aforementioned things to look younger from head to toe.
There are easy fixes that can be applied to a person's everyday look that will take years off her looks. Here are a few suggestions that will aid any person in her attempts to look younger and erase years off her life, look wise.
One quick change that can be made to make any woman look years younger is changing the way in which she does her makeup. There are some women who wear their makeup in such a way that it actually serves to add years to their face instead of creating a look of glowing youthful exuberance. A woman can use a foundation that will brighten her complexion, this will make her face look younger and fresher with little effort. Eye makeup can also be changed to give off a younger appearance.
If a woman applies too much eye makeup it can serve the purpose of making her eyes look old and haggard. There definitely needs to be a good balancing act, where more natural looking eye makeup will make her look younger. There still should be something on the eye to cover up and make her eyes pop, but not too much so as to look like it's weighing her down. The proper color lipstick or lip gloss can also add a youthful look to any woman’s face.
Another thing that can be easily changed to make any woman look younger is her wardrobe. A woman should not be afraid to buy new clothes every year. A wardrobe should never date a woman. If a woman is wearing clothes that are not current with the style than she will automatically look older just by the focus on her wardrobe. A person could buy new clothes that are in style while still dressing appropriately for her age. New clothes do not automatically have to be for young kids, the clothes can be age appropriate with a sense for the current fashions.
Another thing that can make someone look young all over, is good skin care. A person should make sure that they have a daily skin care routine that works to make skin look younger, fresher and firmer.
Looking younger is an attainable quality without breaking the bank or even putting in an excessive amount of work. A person just needs to try these few aforementioned things to look younger from head to toe.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
General Anti-Aging Knowledge
Aging is a natural process that most people are going to experience as they grow older. Those that are trying to avoid aging are basically going to have an uphill battle the majority of the way since they cannot really prevent their skin from again. However, with a use of the anti-aging treatments and taking some precautionary steps towards slowing down the aging process, the person can look as they did years ago without having to worry about all those wrinkles and fine lines that they are dreading on developing.
With all the treatment options that are available, people are going to find that they have an abundance of choices. There are those that are going to basically peel off the top layer of the skin in order to reveal fresh, younger looking skin, while there are those treatments that are less evasive and simply involve the use of a lotion to help tone down the wrinkles and lines that the person may be developing. Some people like being able to have resulted in a few days after the more intense procedures, while many are content to wait at least a week after using the lotions in order to see their results.
For those that are not that knowledgeable about anti-aging, then they should make sure that they realize exactly what they are doing to prevent the aging with these products that are on the market for aging. The person first needs to realize that their skin is aging due to a loss of vitamins and minerals in the skin that has led to the skin to slowly start to sag or to develop fine wrinkles around the eyes or mouth. In addition, those that have sun damage are going to have more problems with aging because the sun dries the skin out and cause many other problems as well. Smoking is also going to affect how well the personages, and it is those things that are hard to work against when trying to look younger.
Most of the lotions on the market are going to be safe for people to use and they are going to increase the moisture level, the collagen and elastin in the skin as well. This is going to help the skin even out and have a nice appearance, the other methods are going for the same results through a more cosmetic procedure. Each comes with their own drawbacks and positive features and the person is going to have to choose, which is best for them.
For those that are really worried about their aging, then they can visit a dermatologist who can help them figure out a routine that is going to keep them from aging even more and perhaps helping them to figure out their skin problems right now. For those that do not want to look their age, then they must understand that the anti-aging practices should be a part of their life now and that they should not wait until their skin is beyond repair.
With all the treatment options that are available, people are going to find that they have an abundance of choices. There are those that are going to basically peel off the top layer of the skin in order to reveal fresh, younger looking skin, while there are those treatments that are less evasive and simply involve the use of a lotion to help tone down the wrinkles and lines that the person may be developing. Some people like being able to have resulted in a few days after the more intense procedures, while many are content to wait at least a week after using the lotions in order to see their results.
For those that are not that knowledgeable about anti-aging, then they should make sure that they realize exactly what they are doing to prevent the aging with these products that are on the market for aging. The person first needs to realize that their skin is aging due to a loss of vitamins and minerals in the skin that has led to the skin to slowly start to sag or to develop fine wrinkles around the eyes or mouth. In addition, those that have sun damage are going to have more problems with aging because the sun dries the skin out and cause many other problems as well. Smoking is also going to affect how well the personages, and it is those things that are hard to work against when trying to look younger.
Most of the lotions on the market are going to be safe for people to use and they are going to increase the moisture level, the collagen and elastin in the skin as well. This is going to help the skin even out and have a nice appearance, the other methods are going for the same results through a more cosmetic procedure. Each comes with their own drawbacks and positive features and the person is going to have to choose, which is best for them.
For those that are really worried about their aging, then they can visit a dermatologist who can help them figure out a routine that is going to keep them from aging even more and perhaps helping them to figure out their skin problems right now. For those that do not want to look their age, then they must understand that the anti-aging practices should be a part of their life now and that they should not wait until their skin is beyond repair.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Wrinkle Creams That Work

Research shows that certain active ingredients are effective in fighting wrinkles, and that means that over-the-counter products that have these ingredients are likely to help improve the condition and appearance of skin. Many of these products require long-term use to get and keep the results that are desired from their use.
Retinol is the first active ingredient that was widely used in over-the-counter wrinkle creams. It is an antioxidant, a vitamin A compound that helps to neutralize unstable oxygen molecules, called free radicals, in the skin that causes wrinkles as they break down. This ingredient is a less potent version of tretinoin, an ingredient only available in prescription wrinkle creams. Neither of these ingredients should be used by pregnant women or women who are trying to become pregnant, as they can increase a risk of birth defects.
Hydroxy acids are another active ingredient group that can contribute to effectiveness in over-the-counter wrinkle products. These acids act as exfoliates, by removing top layers of skin which are a dead and encouraging the growth of new skin, which will be smooth and wrinkle-free. When using this type of product, customers should use sunscreen whenever they are outside because these ingredients increase the likelihood of sun damage to the skin, which can cause burns, skin cancer, and more wrinkles as the sun bakes the skin. Sunscreen should be used at least one week after using products containing hydroxy acids.
Coenzyme Q10 is an active ingredient that helps control energy production in skin cells and can help reduce fine wrinkles around the eyes of the user without causing side effects. If applied before exposure to the sun, this product can protect against skin damage caused by the sun.
Copper peptides can enhance wound healing as well as helping to reduce skin damage like wrinkles. It stimulates collagen production and also can improve the effects of antioxidants used on the skin. This and the other ingredients listed can help improve the appearance of skin.
Ingredients in Anti-Wrinkle Creams
There are several ingredients that are commonly used in anti-wrinkle creams and have been shown to be effective. It can be extremely difficult to sort out which of the hordes of products on the market are actually effective in reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging or skin damage. The effectiveness of these products largely relies on the active ingredients used.
One common ingredient is retinol, a vitamin A compound, and antioxidant. This ingredient helps to neutralize the effect of free radicals, or unstable oxygen molecules which break down skin over time and contribute to wrinkling. A stronger version of this ingredient is tretinoin, which is only available in prescription-grade skin care products. This as well as another vitamin A derivatives stimulate collagen production and also strengthen skin. One thing to watch out for is the fact that birth defects can be linked to this ingredient if used during or directly before pregnancy on women.
Hydroxy acids are another popular type of ingredient to control skin damage and wrinkling. These are broken up into types, including alpha, beta, and polyhydroxy acids. These acids exfoliate the skin or remove the top layer of skin so that the less damaged underlayer becomes exposed. They also can help to stimulate the growth of new skin, which may be smooth and undamaged as opposed to the top layer currently displayed. They take advantage of the skin’s own natural ability to produce new cells as old ones are sloughed off, and increase this ability to repair skin faster than the body would be able to on its own.
A nutrient that helps to control energy production in the skin cells is Coenzyme Q10. This ingredient can also help to negate skin damage due to sun exposure when applied before exposure to sunlight.
Vitamins C and E are commonly found in anti-wrinkle products. The two are often used together because vitamin C is not very good at being absorbed into the skin topically. Vitamin E can sometimes allow it to penetrate further into the layers of skin, while adding its own healing effects, such as moisturizing skin and helping it to repair itself after damage. Vitamin C encourages collagen production, which helps skin to repair itself as well.
Some ingredients can help other ingredients to repair skin and reduce wrinkles. Elastin and collagen, both central constructs of skin cells, can be added to products in order to enhance the effects that other ingredients have, as the skin absorbs these and other ingredients in creams.
One common ingredient is retinol, a vitamin A compound, and antioxidant. This ingredient helps to neutralize the effect of free radicals, or unstable oxygen molecules which break down skin over time and contribute to wrinkling. A stronger version of this ingredient is tretinoin, which is only available in prescription-grade skin care products. This as well as another vitamin A derivatives stimulate collagen production and also strengthen skin. One thing to watch out for is the fact that birth defects can be linked to this ingredient if used during or directly before pregnancy on women.
Hydroxy acids are another popular type of ingredient to control skin damage and wrinkling. These are broken up into types, including alpha, beta, and polyhydroxy acids. These acids exfoliate the skin or remove the top layer of skin so that the less damaged underlayer becomes exposed. They also can help to stimulate the growth of new skin, which may be smooth and undamaged as opposed to the top layer currently displayed. They take advantage of the skin’s own natural ability to produce new cells as old ones are sloughed off, and increase this ability to repair skin faster than the body would be able to on its own.
A nutrient that helps to control energy production in the skin cells is Coenzyme Q10. This ingredient can also help to negate skin damage due to sun exposure when applied before exposure to sunlight.
Vitamins C and E are commonly found in anti-wrinkle products. The two are often used together because vitamin C is not very good at being absorbed into the skin topically. Vitamin E can sometimes allow it to penetrate further into the layers of skin, while adding its own healing effects, such as moisturizing skin and helping it to repair itself after damage. Vitamin C encourages collagen production, which helps skin to repair itself as well.
Some ingredients can help other ingredients to repair skin and reduce wrinkles. Elastin and collagen, both central constructs of skin cells, can be added to products in order to enhance the effects that other ingredients have, as the skin absorbs these and other ingredients in creams.
Friday, February 17, 2017
5 Foods That Help You Look Younger
Although there is no magic formula for youth, you certainly can slow down the damaging effects of aging by employing a few simple tricks. Anti-aging creams and serums do help to a degree, but long lasting effects can be realized by cheaper means such as diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle is perhaps the easiest and most cost effective manner to reduce the signs of aging, and most of the miracle foods are available at the corner market!
Diet plays a major role in the way we look and feel, but many people overlook the amazing benefit of simply drinking enough water and eating healthy foods. It’s simple to include healthy and nutritious food to our diets, and no matter how much we spend on beauty products for the exterior of our body, without proper nutrition, it won’t make much difference.
Fruits are the first food you should try implement into your diet. For a quick snack or addition to your morning cereal, fruit provides many vitamins and minerals, which are essential to a healthy body. Raisins, for instance, are full of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium that are helpful in producing glowing, healthy skin and sparkling eyes. Photo nutrients are antioxidants and raisins are full of them, which helps your body to fight bacteria and viruses as well as aiding in the release of harmful toxins.
Vegetables, of course, are on the list of foods that help you look younger, and tomatoes top the list of beneficial veggies. Tomatoes help you to look revitalized and younger as well as increasing the shine of your hair. Vitamin C is found in tomatoes and it works to detoxify your body and boost your immunity.
Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Lycopene also aids in protecting skin from the harmful effects of the sun because it works like a UV sunscreen! Cooked tomatoes contain the most amount of lycopene and tomato sauces are good choices for including tomatoes in your diet. Look for tomato sauces that are low in salt and sugar if you are watching your sodium and calories.
Nuts are the next food you should include in your anti-aging diet. Brazil nuts are popular additions because they contain selenium, which is vital for cellular repair. Skin damage from the sun can be repaired somewhat by adding just a couple of them to your daily diet.
Finally, the last two food items that can make you look younger are wheat germ and flax. Wheat germ contains zinc, which assists with cell repair and the healing of wounds. Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids and works to increase enzymes that burn fat as well as moisturize your skin and help your body with an absorption of vitamins A, E, and D. Add some flax to your daily glass of juice or a bottle of water and enjoy the benefits.
Diet plays a major role in the way we look and feel, but many people overlook the amazing benefit of simply drinking enough water and eating healthy foods. It’s simple to include healthy and nutritious food to our diets, and no matter how much we spend on beauty products for the exterior of our body, without proper nutrition, it won’t make much difference.
Fruits are the first food you should try implement into your diet. For a quick snack or addition to your morning cereal, fruit provides many vitamins and minerals, which are essential to a healthy body. Raisins, for instance, are full of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium that are helpful in producing glowing, healthy skin and sparkling eyes. Photo nutrients are antioxidants and raisins are full of them, which helps your body to fight bacteria and viruses as well as aiding in the release of harmful toxins.
Vegetables, of course, are on the list of foods that help you look younger, and tomatoes top the list of beneficial veggies. Tomatoes help you to look revitalized and younger as well as increasing the shine of your hair. Vitamin C is found in tomatoes and it works to detoxify your body and boost your immunity.
Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Lycopene also aids in protecting skin from the harmful effects of the sun because it works like a UV sunscreen! Cooked tomatoes contain the most amount of lycopene and tomato sauces are good choices for including tomatoes in your diet. Look for tomato sauces that are low in salt and sugar if you are watching your sodium and calories.
Nuts are the next food you should include in your anti-aging diet. Brazil nuts are popular additions because they contain selenium, which is vital for cellular repair. Skin damage from the sun can be repaired somewhat by adding just a couple of them to your daily diet.
Finally, the last two food items that can make you look younger are wheat germ and flax. Wheat germ contains zinc, which assists with cell repair and the healing of wounds. Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids and works to increase enzymes that burn fat as well as moisturize your skin and help your body with an absorption of vitamins A, E, and D. Add some flax to your daily glass of juice or a bottle of water and enjoy the benefits.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Big Anti Aging Benefits of Berries
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Some of these super anti aging berries include:
- Aronia Berry–this is thought to be the healthiest berry in the world and is also known by the name Black Chokeberry. Its taste is a cross between a blueberry and a blackberry. You can find these types of berries also in jellies, jams, yogurt, pies, and as a sauce on cheesecake.
- Cranberries–you can eat one handful a day or have one glass of juice to help with gum and tooth decay,
- Goji Berries–this type of berry is great in protecting your skin from sun damage and is considered a fountain of youth. Throughout the world, there are over forty different varieties of this berry. The best one is the Tibetan goji berry. The juice from this berry can be drunk as a juice cocktail or as a smoothie and tastes like raisins.
- Blueberries–this fruit is known to help slow down aging. Their flavors range from tangy from berries in the wild to mildly sweet from cultivated berries. The juice may help with dementia.
- Strawberries–this is a super food that has at least three times as many nutrients than many other berries. They are great to help reverse anti-aging signs. They are also low in calories and fat-free. They will also help protect you against age-related decline in brain function. All you need to do is eat nine strawberries a day.
These are just a handful of the various berries you can eat that have anti-aging benefits. And these berries have so many ways you can enjoy them such as juices, smoothies, eat them in your favorite cereal, muffins, pancakes, jams, jellies, and so much more. There are many recipes on the internet that you can find to incorporate these berries. You can use them by themselves or in combinations. Just remember that in addition to anti aging benefits of berries, they also have other health benefits.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Using Vitamin C To Help Look Young
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One way to use Vitamin C more as a means to help slow down the effects of aging is to try to eat more foods that have an abundance or at least a good amount of Vitamin C in them.
Fruits and vegetables should already be a substantial part of any person’s diet if he or she is trying to be healthy. The same should be applied if a person is trying to maintain his or her youthful look. A person should definitely eat more fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple and Brussel sprouts, among many other nutritious and age defying choices. Broccoli is probably one of your best choices as it maintains a lot of the Vitamin C that is naturally in it. Fresh cut fruit also maintains a lot of the Vitamin C naturally in it as well.
A person can also take Vitamin C supplements as a means to ingest more Vitamin C on a daily basis. These can probably be bought at a local drug store or a special vitamin and supplement store which are located all over the country. These can be taken each morning with breakfast so that a person can remember to take them each day.
If a person wants their skin to look younger as a means to protect against the negative side-effects of too much sun exposure, which happens often in a culture that values a nice tan in the summer time, there are lotions that are infused with Vitamin C readily available.
Maintaining a youthful exuberance is a much-coveted value in today’s society. If a person simply incorporates more Vitamin C in his or her diet this can hopefully derail some of the adverse effects of aging and keep a person looking young for years longer.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Easy and Effective Anti Aging Therapy
We can also think of it as corrective; if we already have arthritis this therapy could help us get moving again. It could be vitamin therapy or dementia treatment, it could be any anti aging exercise that helps us stay fit and maintain our muscle tone. It could be an exercise that sends blood to the brain to help with brain fitness, or it could keep our hearts and lungs working in top shape.
All anti aging therapy is aimed at keeping us from feeling the effects of age.
Anti aging exercise is useful for some many things including reducing blood pressure, keeping brain fitness, reducing the likelihood of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. These are just a few of the benefits of this type of therapy. Best of all it is easy.
Yoga and Arthritis
Many people wonder about yoga and arthritis. You may have heard that yoga can be of benefit for the achy stiffness of arthritis. The right form of gentle yoga can be extremely beneficial and can be a wonderful preventative measure to avoid a stiff or deformed spine. Look here to see the benefits of yoga and arthritis and see some examples of great yoga poses that you can do at home. Yoga is one of the best anti aging therapies around.Therapy for Brain Fitness
Many of us are concerned about forgetfulness as we age. It can range from forgetting where we put our keys and the names of people to more serious forms of brain dysfunction like Alzheimer's disease. Brain fitness is a major concern and many people want to know what kinds of therapies exists to help with memory loss or even mild cognitive impairment. Well, there are plenty of things that we can do to keep our minds nimble, healthy and flexible, just like our bodies.Hormone Therapy
If you are considering hormone replacement therapy or bio-identical hormones, consider that there are many safer alternatives that are quite effective. Menopause supplements have improved the lives of many women who desire a more natural approach to feeling like their youthful selves again. The jury is still out regarding the safety of natural hormone replacement or bio-identical hormones.Monday, February 13, 2017
Egg on Your Face: The Best Anti Aging Creams
The best anti aging creams are hard to come by, and even harder to come by is the truth in terms of what the best anti aging creams can do for your skin and what they can do to slow or stop the process of aging. The best way to combat aging is to learn about aging and the process of aging and discover what can be done to control it and help your skin look and feel its best. Consult your dermatologist for a full set of advice and techniques.
The Skin: Friend or Foe?
The skin is a complex biological organism that just happens to be the largest organism in the human body. Over 70% of the skin is comprised of water, making lubrication one of the most important factors to good skin health. As we age, we start to lose the water in our skin as the blood circulates in different and slower ways. This causes our skin to become thin and frail, creating wrinkles, bruising, and discolorations. Avoiding skin damage is important, especially for the elderly.
Ultraviolet rays are often the most accused culprits of skin damage that we know of. We all know that exposing the skin to the harmful UV rays of the sun can do incredible damage to our skin if we are not protected. Sunscreens, according to most dermatologists and skin care experts, do not provide adequate protection from the sun’s harmful rays. The only way to prevent skin damage from the sun is to stay out of direct sunlight and UV rays altogether. Sun damage is irreversible.
Skin Creams
The best anti aging creams are, obviously, only half the battle in terms of good skin health but they do help. A good skin cream will always include a wide variety of natural vitamins and ingredients like vitamin K, E, A, and biotoxins to assist with the skin’s natural processes. Keeping the skin lubricated and protected is also an important part of good skin care practices. It is also important to avoid harsh products like acids or detergents that do more harm to the skin than good.
The best anti aging creams usually don’t make outlandish promises but rather offer a comprehensive plan for healing your skin and keeping it healthy. Healthy skin is the best anti aging measure any of us can take and miracle cures, drugs, or serums are generally as unhealthy for the body as a crash diet or other “quick fixes”.
The Skin: Friend or Foe?
The skin is a complex biological organism that just happens to be the largest organism in the human body. Over 70% of the skin is comprised of water, making lubrication one of the most important factors to good skin health. As we age, we start to lose the water in our skin as the blood circulates in different and slower ways. This causes our skin to become thin and frail, creating wrinkles, bruising, and discolorations. Avoiding skin damage is important, especially for the elderly.
Ultraviolet rays are often the most accused culprits of skin damage that we know of. We all know that exposing the skin to the harmful UV rays of the sun can do incredible damage to our skin if we are not protected. Sunscreens, according to most dermatologists and skin care experts, do not provide adequate protection from the sun’s harmful rays. The only way to prevent skin damage from the sun is to stay out of direct sunlight and UV rays altogether. Sun damage is irreversible.
Skin Creams
The best anti aging creams are, obviously, only half the battle in terms of good skin health but they do help. A good skin cream will always include a wide variety of natural vitamins and ingredients like vitamin K, E, A, and biotoxins to assist with the skin’s natural processes. Keeping the skin lubricated and protected is also an important part of good skin care practices. It is also important to avoid harsh products like acids or detergents that do more harm to the skin than good.
The best anti aging creams usually don’t make outlandish promises but rather offer a comprehensive plan for healing your skin and keeping it healthy. Healthy skin is the best anti aging measure any of us can take and miracle cures, drugs, or serums are generally as unhealthy for the body as a crash diet or other “quick fixes”.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Which Is The Best Anti aging Product?
There is no answer for the question which is the best anti aging product. They all have their benefits the problem is finding the best anti aging product for your skin. Your skin is different to everyone else’s and therefore you need to protect your skin differently compared to how other people protect their skin. The easiest way to protect your skin is to find the best anti aging product that is suitable for your skin.
What Is Needed For The Best Anti aging Product?
All skin types need some essential vitamins as well as other substances to help them look their best. You will need to know what your skin needs in order to find the best anti aging product for your skin. The items to look for on the anti aging product are things such as grape seed, rosemary, and olive oil as well as vitamins A, C, D and E. All these items have been known to help soothe fine lines and therefore help your skin look a lot younger then it is.
The Effects of the Best Antiaging Product
The main aim of every anti aging product is to help you look younger. But there are also other effects that these products can have on your skin. These other effects are good and are designed to help your skin look and feel even better. For example, if you get the best anti aging product for your skin then the other effects that you can look forward to being a more soft face as well as a more hydrated face. These effects are known to help beat the signs of aging.
How You Can Choose the Best Antiaging Product
There is no hidden secret when it comes to finding and keeping the best anti aging product for your skin. You need to make sure that you keep checking the labels of everything that you buy for your face.
You can also go to a dermatologist and they will be able to tell you what you need to help your skin. They will tell you the exact vitamins you need and then you can check out the anti aging products to see which one matches what you need.
Most anti aging products will be in the form of a moisturizer and this is the best way to tackle all of the problems that you are having. The best anti aging product can get deep in your skin and therefore it can re-hydrate as well as perfect your skin. Fine lines should not be a problem when you have the best anti aging product.
What Is Needed For The Best Anti aging Product?
All skin types need some essential vitamins as well as other substances to help them look their best. You will need to know what your skin needs in order to find the best anti aging product for your skin. The items to look for on the anti aging product are things such as grape seed, rosemary, and olive oil as well as vitamins A, C, D and E. All these items have been known to help soothe fine lines and therefore help your skin look a lot younger then it is.
The Effects of the Best Antiaging Product
The main aim of every anti aging product is to help you look younger. But there are also other effects that these products can have on your skin. These other effects are good and are designed to help your skin look and feel even better. For example, if you get the best anti aging product for your skin then the other effects that you can look forward to being a more soft face as well as a more hydrated face. These effects are known to help beat the signs of aging.
How You Can Choose the Best Antiaging Product
There is no hidden secret when it comes to finding and keeping the best anti aging product for your skin. You need to make sure that you keep checking the labels of everything that you buy for your face.
You can also go to a dermatologist and they will be able to tell you what you need to help your skin. They will tell you the exact vitamins you need and then you can check out the anti aging products to see which one matches what you need.
Most anti aging products will be in the form of a moisturizer and this is the best way to tackle all of the problems that you are having. The best anti aging product can get deep in your skin and therefore it can re-hydrate as well as perfect your skin. Fine lines should not be a problem when you have the best anti aging product.
Friday, February 10, 2017
International Anti Aging System
An anti aging system used by the Masses?
Some think the answer to this problem lies within our communities, our countries, and our world. And because of this, an International anti aging system might seem to be something a lot of people would take seriously. Of course, there could be no law stating that you must wear a mask when driving a vehicle to prevent inhalation of toxins, but if laws were passed to reduce the toxins in our air that harm our bodies and escalate the aging process, our world would be better off.
With this said, it is not feasible to expect consumers to pick up all of the pieces and work around the toxins we are all faced with, it would be more realistic to simply work together in finding a way to reduce or even eliminate toxins in our air. In reality, it is a hard struggle to get these types of laws passed, as it has everything to do with our economy.
What to do if There is no Solution in Sight
Many people from around the world have the same views when it comes to maintaining their youth; they simply want to maintain it. This can mean different things for many people, as beliefs and thought patterns tend to change from person to person. At this point in time, without a strong plan within our world to encourage some kind of International anti aging system, the best we can do is continue to educate ourselves and nurture ourselves to the best of our abilities.
So while the International anti aging system is merely a dream of the step in a right direction, we as individuals can contribute to our own healthy lives which are something that with the participation of the masses, contributes to a small part of the dream for the world; to lead healthy, happy, youthful lives.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Natural Remedies for Arthritis
Natural remedies for arthritis are a handy thing to have in your anti-aging arsenal. Especially because practically everyone is subject to at least little arthritis in their lives. It can also hit you when you are fairly young if you have overused a body part.
Hands, knees, hips and the spine are particularly prone to the effects of arthritis, but it can affect any joint.
There are many types of arthritis but our main concern here is osteoarthritis since that is the type that affects the majority of people.
Osteoarthritis is arthritis that often seems to be an inevitable part of aging. But it doesn't have to stop you from living an active life if you add a few things to your daily life.
Knowing what the arthritis causes are will help you understand how the natural remedies for arthritis work.
If you want to catch it early, knowing the early symptoms of arthritis will be very helpful. You can find them here.
So, what are those natural remedies for arthritis?
Yoga and arthritis is a well-known combination for helping to return flexibility and reduce painful movement. I suggest it as one of the best ways to improve joint movement with exercise. Go here for more information.
Tai chi for arthritis is another gentle solution to get the joints moving and reduce stiffness.
Always check with your health professional before starting an exercise program!
Cherry juice and cherry juice supplements may be helpful for reducing arthritis pain and stiffness by reducing inflammation.
Fish Oil Arthritis
Fish Oil with its anti-inflammatory properties, may also be helpful for arthritis sufferers for the same reason. It can be very helpful in reducing inflammation in the joints. More on fish oil or omega 3 oils here.
Glucosamine chondroitin arthritis
Based on a study coordinated by The University of Utah, School of Medicine, the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin alleviated arthritis pain in a subgroup of participants experiencing moderate to severe pain. Look here for more information on these supplements and how to use them.
Herbal Remedies for Arthritis
Herbal remedies can also be very helpful for many of the same reasons as above. Many of them reduce inflammation in the body. Check here for a list of herbs that may be helpful.
Hands, knees, hips and the spine are particularly prone to the effects of arthritis, but it can affect any joint.
There are many types of arthritis but our main concern here is osteoarthritis since that is the type that affects the majority of people.
Osteoarthritis is arthritis that often seems to be an inevitable part of aging. But it doesn't have to stop you from living an active life if you add a few things to your daily life.
Knowing what the arthritis causes are will help you understand how the natural remedies for arthritis work.
If you want to catch it early, knowing the early symptoms of arthritis will be very helpful. You can find them here.
So, what are those natural remedies for arthritis?
If you have arthritis you may feel that you can't exercise, especially when it may be painful and difficult to get out of bed in the morning. However, performing some gentle daily movements will help with the stiffness and pain. Exercise also builds strong muscle around the joints, increases flexibility and endurance, and reduces inflammation from arthritis.Yoga and arthritis is a well-known combination for helping to return flexibility and reduce painful movement. I suggest it as one of the best ways to improve joint movement with exercise. Go here for more information.
Tai chi for arthritis is another gentle solution to get the joints moving and reduce stiffness.
Always check with your health professional before starting an exercise program!
Acupuncture for Arthritis
Studies show that acupuncture can provide relief from arthritis symptoms. Even the National Institute of Health recommends it on their web page for osteoarthritis.Arthritis Supplements
Cherry Juice ArthritisCherry juice and cherry juice supplements may be helpful for reducing arthritis pain and stiffness by reducing inflammation.
Fish Oil Arthritis
Fish Oil with its anti-inflammatory properties, may also be helpful for arthritis sufferers for the same reason. It can be very helpful in reducing inflammation in the joints. More on fish oil or omega 3 oils here.
Glucosamine chondroitin arthritis
Based on a study coordinated by The University of Utah, School of Medicine, the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin alleviated arthritis pain in a subgroup of participants experiencing moderate to severe pain. Look here for more information on these supplements and how to use them.
Herbal Remedies for Arthritis
Herbal remedies can also be very helpful for many of the same reasons as above. Many of them reduce inflammation in the body. Check here for a list of herbs that may be helpful.
In addition to exercise these may help:- Apply heat and cold
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet
- Get adequate rest
- Lose weight if you are overweight
- Protect your joints, don't overdo
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Effective Anti Aging Skin Care Naturally
What Causes Aging Skin and What Can We Do About It
Yes, it is possible to improve our skin with anti aging skin care and look years younger naturally. Choosing the right products and regimens are very important and I will guide you to some of the best skin care approaches.But before we even think about anti aging skin care we have to think about why our skin ages, how to protect it and how to avoid damage to our skin. When we understand why our skin ages, wrinkles and isn't quite as firm as it used to be, we will know just what to do to look our best.
Sun damage plays a major part in aging our skin. While we all need the Vitamin D the sun provides, it also damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. When these fibers breakdown, the skin begins to sag and stretch. It loses its ability to keep our skin firm and supple. So while sun damage to the skin may not be apparent when you're young, it will definitely show when we are older.
While some products and techniques may be able to help erase some damage from the past, it is important to take steps to protect our skin now. By using a natural sunscreen daily and/or wearing a hat, we can protect our skin from further damage. We can also use a skin firming cream to help in areas where the elastin in our skin is simply not doing the job it used to.
As we age our bodies produce less surface oil from the skin's sebaceous glands. The best anti aging creams can dramatically help when we add them to our daily anti aging skin care regimen.
The sensitive area around our eyes is especially vulnerable to sun damage and damage from harsh cosmetic products. We are all too familiar with the bags, dark circles and crows feet that can really make us feel less than our younger selves. Using a good anti aging eye cream can do wonders in this direction, but it is also important to get a good pair of sunglasses to protect that area from further sun damage and to minimize squinting from the sun to reduce those crows feet!
So what is the best anti aging skin care? Generally, they are products that gently clean the skin, add moisture, help stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and protect the skin from further damage. It is also important to use natural products that don't contain parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde,1,4-dioxane, lead and heavy metals as these all are increasingly proving to cause serious, long-term health concerns. We want to stay young and healthy looking, but not at the expense of our long-term health.
This is why I continue to research the best companies with the best anti aging skin care lines for you.
Of course, our skin is also an outer reflection of how well we've taken care of our inner health. If we have had a healthy diet filled with anti aging food and anti aging vitamins, our skin will fare better than if we haven't.
Natural Face Lift
What can we do if we don't want to go under the knife to stop that sagging jaw line? Is there anything we can do if we don't want to use injectables for lines, wrinkles, frown lines or pronounced nasolabial folds?Many salons provide microcurrent treatments that act as a natural face lift. Microcurrent is a safe electrical current that is similar to our own electrical current. It helps boost production of collagen and elastin. Used regularly it can improve and firm the jawline, plump the face and increase circulation to the skin and thereby improve the skin's healthy glow. It can also reduce fine lines and generally give an uplift to the appearance.
If you don't want to go to the salon for treatments, there are home versions of the micro-current machine that is quite effective based on testimonials.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Great Skin Care: Look Younger From The Neck Down
One of the most important things that any person can do to protect his or her skin from aging poorly or becoming too unhealthy is to avoid excessive exposure to the sun. If someone is going to be in the sun a lot or even at all this person should adhere to the proper sun protection protocols, such as using sunblock and reapplying it often as well as wearing a hat.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages often can also have severely damaging effects on a person’s skin condition. Among the significant amount of other adverse health effects that are caused by smoking cigarettes, again skin is yet another negative aspect of this terrible habit. Drinking too much alcohol too often is also bad for a person’s health and takes a great toll on a person’s body making a person look much older than he or she should at that age. Alcohol can make a person’s skin extremely dehydrated which will take a lot of the youthful glow out of a person’s skin.
Cleaning skin with great care and applying moisturizer regularly will also maintain the healthy and youthful pallor of any person’s skin. A woman should wash the makeup off her face every night before bed. A person should really make sure to have clean skin as it removes dirt and bacteria and keeps the skin healthier longer which will make a person look young longer as well.
The positive effects of an appropriate amount of sleep on your health simply cannot be overstated. Every person should ensure that they are getting the proper amount of sleep each night to stay healthy longer and maintain the youthful look of their skin. If a person is not sleeping enough this will reflect in his or her skin and it will serve to make this individual look much older than he or she should look.
A person should also be careful when shaving his or her skin. If a person shaves too roughly their skin will get irritated and it will cause unnecessary stress to the skin and make it look more distressed and older.
The important thing to remember is that a person must take care of his or her skin to ensure that there will be a long lasting youthful glow.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Live Well With Anti Aging Herbs
Herbs have been used for millennia to treat all kinds of ailments, and they have been used in Asia, India and by many indigenous peoples throughout the world to maintain their youthful vigor. Many anti aging secrets are contained in these anti aging herbs.
As a practicing herbalist, I can tell you that the benefits of these herbs are real and if used in the proper way, can help to bring their anti aging magic to you. Below you will find some of the best anti aging herbs, however, there are much more that I will add from time to time, so check back often.
One word of caution, herbs will interact with many medications, so if you are taking any kinds of medication it is best to check with a knowledgeable source such as a licensed holistic practitioner or trained and experienced herbalist before starting on any herbal regimen.
The Best Anti Aging Herbs
Most everyone has heard of ginseng. But did you know that there is more than one kind of ginseng and that they have varying properties?Ginseng is generally known to boost energy, increase vitality and stamina. It is an adaptogen, meaning that it helps the body adapt and adjust to stressors including physical activity, sports, illness and daily stresses that typically deplete the body. In this regard, it helps boost physical performance and well-being. It has shown to lower blood sugar and boost immunity.
Varieties of Ginseng
All the Ginsengs provide the benefits listed above but they have differing properties and strengths.
White Ginseng is warming in nature and is more appropriately used by men, but can be used by women too.
Red Ginseng sometimes is also known as Korean is the warmest and is stronger than White or American varieties. It is also commonly used.If you are a peri or post menopausal woman, however, this variety is not appropriate for you due to its warming nature.
American Ginseng has more cooling properties and is more appropriate for women to use.
Wild Ginseng is the strongest of all the ginsengs and is also the most expensive. It comes from Northern China.
Ginkgo & Gotu Kola for the Brain
Both of these herbs have benefits for brain function.Ginkgo helps increase blood flow and circulation to the brain and extremities and can help improve short-term memory. It has strong antioxidant qualities that are particularly directed to the brain helping with overall brain health. Some people may have sensitivities to ginkgo and can get headaches, skin allergies or GI upset.
Gotu Kola is beneficial in improving memory and learning and can be used to improve mental clarity. It can also be helpful in improving varicose veins and vein function and in decreasing anxiety.
Saw Palmetto for Men
A very important anti aging herb for men saw palmetto is used in treating benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) otherwise known as enlarged prostate. It helps in improving urination by lessening the frequency and improving flow and reducing pain and discomfort.It is always important for men to first see a health care provider to rule out prostate cancer if any of the above symptoms are present.
Dang Gui & Red Clover for Women
Dang gui is used in Asian Medicine and is known sometimes as women's ginseng because of its unifying effects. It is used most often for women's issues and is helpful in alleviating peri and post menopausal symptoms. It is also used as a blood tonic and regulator and can be used to prevent cardiovascular disease.Red Clover is also useful for peri and posts menopausal symptoms since it contains plant estrogens. It is also considered an anti-cancer herb by many people. Studies have also shown that red clover improves the circulation and may be useful in preventing heart disease.
Horny Goat Weed & Muira Puama Libido Boosters
Horny Goat Weed also is known as Epimedium has been used in Asia for millennia as a tonic herb and aphrodisiac and is now gaining popularity elsewhere. It is used primarily to treat erectile dysfunction and to improve libido. It has been shown to work by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area and it appears to inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme which is the way in which Viagra works. It also acts to boost and regulate hormone levels.Muira Puama comes from the Amazon and is used similarly to Horny Goat Weed as a libido tonic. It works similarly by increasing blood flow to the pelvis. UCLA School of Medicine conducted a study that showed a significant improvement in both erectile function and sexual desire by the participants. Muira Puama can also have a stimulating effect and can interfere with sleep, so caution must be used not to overuse the herb.
Just remember, some are good, more isn't necessarily better.
Mushrooms are Anti Aging Herbs
Reishi also is known as Ganoderma is a mushroom used in ancient China for longevity. It was called the elixir of life and for years was available only to Emperors. Reishi mushrooms have multiple benefits. These include immune boosting, liver protecting, cholesterol lowering. It is also antioxidant, antiviral, and increases coronary blood flow.Rhodiola
Rhodiola is an anti aging herb due to its ability to improve mental performance, reduce the effects of stress on the body, boost the immune system, alleviate depression, enhance muscle strength and endurance, improve energy, and aid in weight reduction.Polygonum Root
Last but not least on our list of anti aging herbs is polygonum root also known as he should wu or fo ti. It has been used in China for millennia to restore original hair color for prematurely graying hair. At the very least it will add luster and improve the health of your hair, and rejuvenate your body. The English translation of the name "he shou wu" means "black-haired Mr. He", who reportedly lived to be 132 years old. Polygonum root is also used to reduce cholesterol.Sunday, February 5, 2017
Anti Aging Exercises to Look and Feel Young
If you haven't been a regular exerciser throughout your life it is best to check with your medical professional first, then start slowly with some easy exercises.
What are some of the anti aging exercises that we will cover here?
They are:
stretching weight & strength training yoga aerobic exercise qi gong & tai chi exercises for the brain exercises for the face exercises for the eyes
...and I will be adding more all the time.
I will be adding video demos of anti aging exercise in the future, so keep checking back.
Why is stretching an anti aging exercise?Stretching keeps us flexible, increases the blood flow to our muscles, increases our range of motion in our joints, gives us better coordination, and prevents injury.
If you have never really followed a stretching exercise routine before, it is best to go to your local gym and have a trainer work with you to do it right without injury.
If you have been a regular stretcher hopefully you have been doing it right. So I will give you a few rules of thumb to make sure you are the right path.
- Never bounce when you stretch.
- Don't push past your comfort zone. Stretching should be pleasant. It takes a time to become flexible and doing a little bit every day will get you to your goal sooner than if you injure yourself by pushing too hard.
- Breathe into every stretch, push to a point of tension but not pain and try to hold it for a count of 10 while breathing deeply.
- Warm up a little before you stretch by doing some light exercise for a few minutes. Never stretch when you are cold and haven't warmed up.
- Don't lock your joints when you stretch, but keep them loose.
Weight and Strength Training
The main benefits of using weights as part of your anti aging exercise are that it jump starts your metabolism making it easier to lose those stubborn pounds that come with middle age. Not only that but it strengthens your bones, adds tone and a youthful look to your figure and brings nourishment to your skin with increased blood flow which ultimately will give your skin a smoother more youthful look. Weight and strength training also adds agility as your muscles get stronger.If you have never weight trained it is definitely a good idea to have a professional show you some exercises so you (as with stretching) do them right and don't hurt yourself. You will start with lighter weights and work your way up, never straining but feeling your muscle working. The key is to do it right to avoid injuring joints.
Yoga is a fabulous anti aging exercise since it provides stretching and strength training all in one. It keeps the spine flexible and strong, helps lubricate the joints to alleviate arthritis and other mobility problems, strengthens the lung function as breathing is incorporated into the exercise and alleviates stress. Yoga has many more benefits too numerous to mention and yogis who look 20 years younger than their true age are the testaments to this.If arthritis is a problem for you then yoga and arthritis should be just what you need. It is an easier and more specific form of yoga that has shown to really help people get back to doing the things they love without pain.
Most towns and cities have yoga studios these days and I encourage you to check one out and try a beginner class for yourself. You will be surprised at the benefits if you have never tried it before.
Aerobic Exercise
According to the Mayo Clinic, 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise like walking, swimming or bicycling can help you live longer and healthier as it improves the function of your lungs, heart and blood flow. Aerobic exercise increases the oxygen in your blood, increases the blood flow to your muscles, widens your capillaries to allow more blood flow and will carry away waste products that your body produces. You will feel an increased sense of well-being as your body releases endorphins, your body's natural painkillers in response to the exercise.All aerobic exercise is the exercise for the brain since it increases blood flow to the brain to bring nourishment and remove waste.
Pretty good deal for doing just 30 minutes of exercise.
Qi Gong and Tai Chi
Qi gong (pronounced chi gong) is the ultimate anti aging exercise. It has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years and is one of the anti aging secrets of the east that has been getting some recognition in the west in recent years. Along with Tai Chi, it is has been used in China and other Asian countries to restore health and to promote longevity. It is similar to yoga and has many of the same benefits. As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine I have studied, taught and instructed my patients in the use of this anti aging technique for healing and to promote longevity with great success.Qi gong exercises range from quiet meditation to slow deliberate movement to more vigorous. Tai chi incorporates slow dance like movements. There are a qi gong and a tai chi style to meet everyone's ability level and need.
We have a qi gong exercise for the face, to promote a youthful appearance and also a qi gong for the joints to alleviate arthritis and promote flexibility.
All qi gong and tai chi are focused on promoting health and vigor by keeping all organs and systems working at their optimum.
Simple AntiAging Exercise for the Eyes
Here is one simple exercise for the eyes. This will help exercise the eye muscle that helps with close and far vision.Sit where you have a view of something (a focal point) in the distance. Focus on that object then hold a pencil up about a foot in front of your eyes. Focus on the pencil. Don't strain to do this just let your eyes rest on each object. Then look again at the distant object and back again to the pencil. Repeat this back and forth about 9 times. Do it daily.
The Best Anti Aging Vitamins
What are anti aging vitamins and why are they anti aging?
Most anti aging vitamins are antioxidants, immune boosters or both. Antioxidants are very special in that they slow the aging process by reducing the free radicals produced by the body during a chemical process within our cells called oxidation.Oxidation is a very necessary chemical reaction that takes place during the metabolic process that gives our body energy. We can't live without it. Yet the free radicals that are produced can cause damage to other cells in our bodies. When too many cells become damaged by too many free radicals over time (as in aging) we start to see the results in deteriorating body function, aging skin and aging diseases.
This is why it is important to supplement our bodies with antioxidant vitamins which are excellent anti aging vitamins.
We will also talk about anti aging vitamins that have benefits other than preventing free radical damage. Some are very useful for prevention of age-related disorders as you will see below.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an excellent anti aging vitamin. It is an antioxidant but is also helps the body in collagen production. Collagen is a connective tissue that is part of the structure and support of the heart tissues, blood vessels, skin, nails and basically all tissues.
You can see its importance to our entire body!
As we age collagen production slows, so adding a vitamin c supplement could be very helpful to boost collagen production to maintain healthy youthful skin and more.
Vitamin C also helps boost the immune system.
How much should you take? 500-1000mg per day is a dosage recommended by many experts. Some people may experience stomach discomfort and will be better off with a buffered form. Larger doses may cause diarrhea in some people, so start with a lower dosage and work your way up.
Vitamin A-Beta-carotene
Vitamin A is another powerful antioxidant. It is important in the health of the eyes and allows us to see well at night. It is important in maintaining healthy teeth, and skin. It stimulates the base layer of skin growth so is important in maintaining youthful looking skin. Retinol is preformed vitamin A and you may be familiar with it as and anti aging skin care product.
Vitamin A also boosts the immune system and may have anti cancer benefits.
Since vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin the body retains it in our body fat. It is important to only consume the recommended amount as a supplement because accumulating too much in the body can have serious side effects. It is best to look for a supplement that contains both Vitamin a and beta-carotene. Your body must convert the beta-carotene to vitamin a and needs a healthy digestive system in order to do that. Follow the dosing recommendations on whatever anti aging vitamin a product you purchase.
One of the best ways to supplement your vitamin A is with cod liver oil. It also contains vitamin D, which most of us are deficient in these days if we are staying out of the sun to protect ourselves. Cod liver oil is a good way to safely get both fat soluble vitamins without overdose.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble anti aging vitamin with antioxidant properties. Vitamin E comes in different forms. Alpha-tocopherol is the most active form for human consumption. Vitamin E supplements are available in natural or synthetic forms. The natural forms (which are best)are usually labeled with the letter "d" (d-alpha-tocopherol) and synthetic forms are labeled "dl" (dl-alpha-tocopherol).
It is found naturally in oils, nuts, and seeds.
Some evidence has shown that Vitamin E as an anti aging vitamin, may prevent and treat Alzheimer's Disease.
It may be helpful in treating macular degeneration when combined with vitamin C, beta-carotene, and zinc and it may slow the worsening of advanced age-related macular degeneration.
The usual recommended dose is 400IU. Check with your doctor before using if you are taking blood thinners.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D has been getting a lot of press lately. The evidence is in that most of us are deficient in this important substance. Our body needs sunlight to manufacture vitamin D and since most of us now avoid the sun, especially if we want to avoid sun damage to our skin. So why do we need Vitamin D how do we get it?
Vitamin D is important in regulating calcium and phosphorus in our bodies and therefore as an anti aging vitamin, it is important in the prevention of osteoporosis!
Recent research has shown that vitamin D may be helpful in the prevention of high blood pressure and cancer.
It is shown to be anti-inflammatory, which we know slows the aging process and it boosts our immune system.
The problem is Vitamin D is found in very few foods, mainly fish and fish liver oils (ie.cod liver oil). Small amounts are found in beef liver, cheese and egg yolks which I don't recommend eating in large amounts. So supplementation is important for most people.
Some sources recommend starting with a higher dose such as 2000-4000IU in the form of D3 for a short period of time until your body builds up a store of the vitamin. After this, a maintenance dose would be 400-1000 IU daily. Before starting to supplement with Vitamin D it is best to check with your health professional for guidance on dosing as everyone metabolizes Vitamin D differently and overdosing can lead to side effects.
Individuals with primary hyperparathyroidism (overactivity of the parathyroid gland not caused by vitamin D deficiency) or kidney disease are at increased risk for vitamin D toxicity and should not take supplemental vitamin D without consulting a physician.
Calcium and Magnesium
Although Calcium and Magnesium are not vitamins, but minerals I included them here since they are crucial in the prevention of bone loss or osteoporosis. For women, the recommended dosage post menopause is 1200 mg daily, for men and menstruating women the dosage is 1000mg.
It is best to take a combination of calcium/magnesium since magnesium aids in the absorption of calcium. It is best to have about a 2/1 dose ratio of calcium to magnesium. If you are taking 1200mg of calcium, take 600mg of magnesium. I recommend calcium citrate and chelated magnesium as the best forms to take.
If you have any issues with digestion you may want to take a digestive enzyme along with calcium/magnesium as they are best absorbed in an acidic environment.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Why Do We Need Omega 3 Oil and Which Ones are Best
Omega 3 and omega 6 oils are two of those substances. These oils are also known as essential fatty acids, essential because they are necessary for our survival. We easily get omega 6 oils in our diet as they are prevalent in much of what we typically consume.
Most of us, however, are lacking in omega 3 fatty acids. We need the right ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 to maintain optimal health and especially to achieve what we are all slow down the aging process.
These essential fatty acids come in different forms. Fish sources contain EPA/DHA and plants contain ALA. All are good, some are better at some things than others, as you will see below.
Avoid Aging Diseases with Omega Oils
The benefits of these essential fatty acids to an anti aging regime are many!Omega 3 fatty acids support brain function. Evidence shows that including the EPA/DHA in fish oil can alleviate depression and mood disorders. It can also help in learning and memory and it may be useful in avoiding dementia.
This essential oil helps normalize our cholesterol. It increases our healthy HDL which helps our bodies transport and eliminate the bad fat LDL so it won't adhere to our arteries causing a build up of plaque.
It helps our cardiovascular system by allowing red blood cells to circulate easily and freely throughout our bodies, thus avoiding clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.
Omega 3 oils also reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been implicated in many aging diseases including cancer, heart disease, and accelerated aging.
How Does Omega Oil Benefit the Skin?
If you want moist, wrinkle-free, glowing skin, you must include omega oil fatty acids in your diet. The oil helps maintain the moisture level in your skin. It can also relieve eczema and psoriasis and reduce inflammatory skin conditions like roseasea. It will allow you to have smooth skin into advanced age.The Best Omega 3 Oil Products
What are the best supplements to achieve this result? Omega oil that is fresh and organic is best.Fish oil benefits are the EPA DHA found in it. These have been found to help in depression and mood disorders. You must choose a good fish oil that contains no mercury.
If you are a vegetarian flax oil is a good alternative. There is some evidence that the ALA in vegetable sources of omega 3 oils can convert to EPA DHA if taken in enough quantity.
No matter if you take a fish oil or a vegetable source you will find benefit. Of course, food sources of omega 3 oils are good and may be found in the section on anti aging food.
Friday, February 3, 2017
Delicious Anti Aging Food
So let's explore some anti aging food to get us where we want to be.
Anti-Oxidant Foods are Yummy AntiAging Foods
You may have heard of antioxidants since they are getting a lot of attention these days. Antioxidants are substances that reduce oxidative stress in the body. As the cells of our bodies work hard to create energy for all of our body functions, a necessary chemical reaction in our bodies takes place called oxidation.Oxidation creates free radicals which can damage our bodies. This is one of the causes of aging. Foods and supplements that reduce these free radicals are called antioxidants and they limit the damage done by the free radicals. It is to our advantage then to eat as many of these antioxidant foods as possible, since they are one of the best anti aging foods around.
Antioxidant foods come in many types including fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and even tea.
Some of the best of these anti aging foods are berries. Blueberries head the list with the most antioxidant power of all the fruits, but strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries all contain large amounts of antioxidant substances. Another good antioxidant fruit is plums, prunes, apples, and cherries. It is important to buy organic fruits as often as possible, especially the berries.
Beans are another great source of antioxidants. The dark beans like black beans, kidney beans, red beans, pinto beans are best.
Other good sources of antioxidants are walnuts and pecans.
Good Oils and Fats
Let's face it, oils and fats make our food taste good and it's true that we all need fat in our diet. But we only want it in the best form of oil possible. Then we can enjoy that it makes our skin moist and youthful, reduces lines and wrinkles, keeps our cholesterol low and reduces inflammation in our bodies. That way we can look and feel great and not worry about heart disease or other problems associated with getting older.You may have heard of omega oils and you may have heard that there are two types that we need, omega 3 oil and omega 6 oil. These are essential fatty acids that our bodies need to make the hormones our bodies need to operate. Since our bodies were done make these EFA's we have to get them through our diet.
These fatty acids can be found in certain fish and plants and it is important that we get a variety of them in our diet.
Salmon, sardines, shrimp, canned light tuna, pollock, and catfish are all high in omega 3 oils. These are the best fish to eat as they are also low in mercury. The types of omega 3 oil found in cold water fish is called EPA/DHA. This is not found in plant sources of omega 3 oils. EPA/DHA are important in maintaining brain and eye health in addition to keeping the heart healthy.
Plant sources of fatty acids called ALA, come in both omega 3 oils and omega 6 oils. Most of us get plenty of omega 6 oils in our diet but are lacking in the important omega 3 oils. Some great food sources of omega 3s are avocados, walnuts, flax seed, pumpkin seeds, unrefined and cold pressed canola oil, soybean oil, , and wheat germ oil. Dark leafy greens also contain omega 3 oil. Of course taking an omega 3 oil supplement is also a good idea.
Studies also show that adding 1/4 cup of nuts per day to your diet can lower cholesterol. The best nuts to add are walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, and macadamia nuts.
A note regarding flax seeds, these need to be ground in order for our bodies to digest them. Try grinding them in a coffee grinder in the morning and add it to your cereal. It has a delicious nutty flavor and will add the stick to your ribs goodness to last you throughout the morning.
Vegetables Are AntiAging Foods!
I kn you hate vegetables! Or even if you don't you probably don't eat enough of them. According to some sources (including me), this is one of the most important anti aging foods you can eat, especially the leafy green variety. The darker the green the better and higher the anti aging potency it has.What if you truly hate vegetables and just can't stomach them? Well juicing for health is an option and if you look here I will give you some delicious recipes that will help you get these important anti aging foods.
Why are vegetables so important?
They contain huge amounts of anti aging vitamins and minerals and antioxidants!! Supplements don't always give you everything you need. Not everyone can digest supplements, but most everyone can digest food. Besides, veggies are low calorie!
Menopause Supplements That Help Naturally
Black Cohosh
Black Cohosh is an effective menopause supplement for reducing hot flashes, night sweats, menopausal headaches, irritability and nervousness, heart palpitations, sleep disturbances and depression. Studies have shown that black cohosh can be as effective as hormone replacement therapy.
Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry)
Vitex is an effective hormone regulator and can be helpful during peri-menopause to regulate irregular menstrual periods or too frequent menses. For some women, vitex can increase libido and help with vaginal integrity and lubrication.
Red Clover
Red clover has many benefits for menopausal women. It contains abundant phytoestrogens to supplement and help prevent menopause symptoms. It is also rich in calcium helping add to bone strength. You may be familiar with this menopause supplement in the commercial brand Promensil.This herb to be effective must be used as a tincture or as a water infusion (like making tea). If you are on blood thinners consult a professional before using, as this herb has blood thinning properties.
Dang Gui
Dang gui is an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to regulate the menses among other things. It acts to balance hormones and is useful in alleviating symptoms of menopause. It can help regulate mood swings, reduce hot flashes and relieve headaches.
Flaxseed and flaxseed oil , an omega 3 oil, may help some women with mild menopause symptoms. One study found that flaxseed reduced hot flashes by 35% and night sweats by 44% in women with mild symptoms.
St John's Wort
Many people know that St. John's wort is useful for mild depression but it can also be beneficial for women during menopause. Evidence shows that when combined with black cohosh, St. John's wort can improve mood and smooth the mood swings associated with menopause. St John's Wart can interact with many medications, so consult a health professional before using. It can also cause photo sensitivity, so use caution when exposed to sunlight.
Most people think of sage as an herb used in turkey stuffing. However, sage contains estrogen like compounds, so sage might help ease menopause symptoms. Preliminary results have been promising in showing a reduction in menopause symptoms among users.
As with any herbal supplement, if you are taking pharmaceutical medication, always check with your health care provider before starting to take an herbal supplement. Do not use any of the above supplements if you are peri-menopausal and there is a possibility that you could be pregnant.
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