Saturday, December 24, 2016

Arthritis Causes

Arthritis causes depend on the type of arthritis we are talking about. There are many types of arthritis, but we will be concerned here with osteoarthritis as it is the primary and most common arthritis that comes with age. It can also be called the degenerative joint disease because it is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in the joints.

It can happen in almost any joint but usually occurs in the weight-bearing joints of the hips, knees, and spine. It can also affect the fingers, hands, and big toe. It can affect other joints if they have been broken or injured in the past or if excessive strain and stress have been placed on the joint.

The cartilage in our joints is a firm, rubbery material that covers the ends of bones. It is there to reduce friction when we move our joints. It also serves as a kind of shock absorber as it can change shape when pressed together.

Arthritis causes the cartilage in a joint to become stiff and lose its elasticity which makes it more susceptible to damage. Over time the cartilage may wear away in some areas, which reduces its ability to act as a shock absorber. As the cartilage deteriorates, tendons and ligaments stretch and cause pain. As the damage gets worse the bones may rub against each other, causing, even more, problems in the joint.

What Causes Arthritis in the First Place!

Obesity: Having extra weight puts a strain on all the joints of the body, especially the ones that bear most of our weight like our knees, hips and spine.
Over-use: Any joint that gets a lot of use such as using our fingers and thumbs, bending our knees and kneeling to do gardening or other chores.

Injury: Like injuring a knee, or shoulder performing a sport, breaking a bone or any type of sprain like an ankle sprain, leave us open to developing arthritis in that joint.
Heredity: People born with the inherited weakness in their joints may be more susceptible to arthritis than others.

Occupational Hazards: People whose jobs are physically demanding such as factory workers, construction workers or others like these, may be more prone to arthritis.
Illness: Joint infections and gout also can leave people open to developing arthritis.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Glucosamine Chondroitin Arthritis

Glucosamine chondroitin arthritis, many people have heard of these supplements and wonder how helpful they are. Many claim to have found success in relieving arthritis symptoms by taking these supplements daily.But what exactly are these supplements and what do they do?

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are natural substances found in and around the cells of cartilage in the body. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that the body produces and distributes in cartilage and other connective tissue, and chondroitin sulfate is a complex carbohydrate that helps cartilage retain water. Since our joints are surrounded by cartilage you can see why it is important to the healthy function of our joints.

The breakdown of cartilage in the joints is a major factor in osteoarthritis and researchers have been focusing their attention on finding substances to prevent this breakdown. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates are two nutritional supplements currently being studied to determine their usefulness in treating osteoarthritis.

Research for Glucosamine Chondroitin Arthritis

In a double blind study coordinated by The University of Utah, School of Medicine, a subset of participants with moderate-to-severe pain, were givenglucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate. The study showed statistically significant pain relief compared with placebo.

The dosage used in this study was glucosamine: 500 mg three times a day for a total of 1500 mg, chondroitin sulfate: 400 mg three times a day for a total of 1200 mg.

Taking these supplements can be helpful in reducing pain, however, they can take a while to take effect, so be patient and consistent and you may find the results were worth your effort.


Since glucosamine supplements may be made from shellfish, people with allergies to shellfish should avoid using glucosamine unless you have confirmed that it is from a non-shellfish source. You may have to call the manufacturer to find out since this likely won't be printed on the label.

If you are diabetic, you may want to use caution taking glucosamine as it could possibly alter blood sugar levels.

Before you try supplementing with these check with your health-care provider to make sure these supplements are appropriate for you.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Early Symptoms of Arthritis

The early symptoms of arthritis develop slowly and get worse as time goes by. It can start with a little stiffness and pain in a joint, either during or after use. It can especially show up first thing in the morning. You may notice it as you get out of bed. You may also notice it after any period of inactivity, like sitting and watching a movie for a couple of hours.

There can be tenderness when you apply pressure to the joint and you may find it harder to use the joint as it loses its flexibility. Some people may begin to experience a grating sensation when they use the joint.

As the arthritis progresses hard lumps, or bone spurs may appear around the joint. In some cases the joint might swell.

The most commonly affected joints are in the hips, hands, knees and spine.

Here is a list of the early symptoms of osteoarthritis. Most of these develop gradually and may include:
  1. Joint pain
  2. Pain after overuse and after periods of inactivity
  3. Overall stiffness
  4. Limited range of motion in one or more joints
Later symptoms may include:
  1. Bony enlargements in the middle and end joints of the fingers that may or may not be painful
  2. Joint swelling and joint fluid accumulation

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Why Do We Need Omega 3 Oil and Which Ones Are Best

You have probably heard about omega 3 oil in the news and that we need it in our diets to promote and maintain health. But what is so important about this oil and why do we need it? There are many substances that we need in our diet that our bodies don't produce on their own.

Omega 3 and omega 6 oils are two of those substances. These oils are also known as essential fatty acids, essential because they are necessary for our survival. We easily get omega 6 oils in our diet as they are prevalent in much of what we typically consume.

Most of us however, are lacking in omega 3 fatty acids. We need the right ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 to maintain optimal health and especially to achieve what we are all slow down the aging process.

These essential fatty acids come in different forms. Fish sources contain EPA/DHA and plants contain ALA. All are good, some are better at some things than others, as you will see below.

Avoid Aging Diseases with Omega Oils

The benefits of these essential fatty acids to an anti aging regime are many!
Omega 3 fatty acids support brain function. Evidence shows that including the EPA/DHA in fish oil can alleviate depression and mood disorders. It can also help in learning and memory and it may be useful in avoiding dementia.

This essential oil helps normalize our cholesterol. It increases our healthy HDL which helps our bodies transport and eliminate the bad fat LDL so it won't adhere to our arteries causing a build up of plaque.

It helps our cardiovascular system by allowing red blood cells to circulate easily and freely throughout our bodies, thus avoiding clots that cause strokes and heart attacks.

Omega 3 oils also reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been implicated in many aging diseases including cancer, heart disease, and accelerated aging.

How Does Omega Oil Benefit the Skin?

If you want moist, wrinkle free, glowing skin, you must include omega oil fatty acids in your diet. The oil helps maintain the moisture level in your skin. It can also relieve eczema and psoriasis and reduce inflammatory skin conditions like roseasea. It will allow you to have smooth skin into advanced age.

The Best Omega 3 Oil Products

What are the best supplements to achieve this result? Omega oil that is fresh and and organic is best.
Fish oil benefits are the EPA/DHA found in it. These have been found to help in depression and mood disorders. You must choose a good fish oil that contains no mercury.

If you are a vegetarian flax oil is a good alternative. There is some evidence that the ALA in vegetable sources of omega 3 oils can convert to EPA/DHA if taken in enough quantity.

No matter if you take a fish oil or a vegetable source you will find benefit. Of course food sources of omega 3 oils are good and may be found in the section on anti aging food.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Anti Aging Collagen Pills Getting Rid of Wrinkles

Where the evidence is that collagen takes care of wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging? Directly, there is no concrete evidence that collagen does nothing more than provides moisture to the face. Collagen tablets do not include the so-called ingredients that remove or minimize wrinkles, including protein.

Before digesting pills claiming to remove or minimize wrinkles, it is wise to further the investigation. Other options are available on the marketplace that works to minimize or reduce wrinkles without digesting pills.

In fact, new studies have shown that most supplements offered today do not have a fraction of the ingredients it claims to have, therefore consider your options before listening to ad slicks that mislead.

If you are trying to remove or minimize wrinkles, few options have proven more affected than other choices of aging creams, pills, etc. At one time, in your youth, you enjoyed wrinkle-free days, but as you aged, the lines and crowfeet began to develop. Now you feel it is time to find a solution to gain back your youth.

The fact is, regardless of what aging solution is available proclaiming to reduce or get rid of wrinkles, some of the wrinkles will remain in tact. You can never disturb nature completely.

At what time you awaken as you grow sagging skin, wrinkles and other aging issues develop. Some people cover their face, and try to hide the wrinkles around the upper chest area. Even as you are in your fifties the need to look good continues, in fact it increases. Thus, people then start to find solutions to minimizing or getting rid of the wrinkles. Once you turn on the tube, visit the internet, or else go to the local stores trying to forget the wrinkles ads crop up that remind you over again that you are growing older.

The ads demonstrate wrinkle free solutions, including collagen pill, which supposedly eliminates wrinkles. The collagen tablets came out some time ago, thus it is a common ad you recognize. You might dial the 800 number flashing in your face to inquire more about the product, or else to make a purchase. While listening to the sales pitch, you ignore the voices in your head that says where's the evidence that these tablets work to reduce wrinkles. Still, as you listen you allow the sales rep to talk you into the purchase. A few weeks down the road you might wonder, "Where is the evidence that this stuff works?"

The fact is if you reduce your frequency to the sun, or exclude your self from smoky environments, you could reduce the odds of receiving overwhelming wrinkles. Thus, reducing overexposure of sun, smoke, and other harmful elements that cause harm to your skin is one of the better solutions of minimizing wrinkles, over any product offered on the marketplace.

The body's label on Collagen tablets tell us that supposedly there is a hundred percentage of Collagen that works to enhance the body's protein, while improving the skins condition and texture, simultaneously reducing wrinkles and fine lines, by restoring cellulite. The label tells us the product is safe and natural to use. According to the distributors and manufacturers, the tablets will also enhance the nails and hairs growth and appearance.

Collagen tablets furthermore supposedly enhance life, moods, and the feeling of aging. The tablets work to purge wrinkles, while supposedly giving the youthful appeal to your face. The tablets furthermore are suppose to give you the renewal hope by freeing the face of wrinkles, since depression often comes along with aging, the pill is supposedly capable of making you feel worry-free.

Collagen tables claim to present solutions for eliminating wrinkles by digesting rather than injecting the body by surgery. The tablets are claimed to be more sufficient than common aging creams, gels and/or lotions. Collagen tablets more often than not digested once daily.

In my experience, few aging options offer the better choice. Recent studies are showing coming straight from the Government, especially tablet form aging solutions can lead to harm. As for creams, NICEL one of the few aging creams offered is a night renewal, and in my opinion from experience does nothing in line or reducing wrinkles.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Anti Aging Driving Me Nuts

If anti aging topics and discussions are driving you nuts by now, not to worry, since after writing nearly fifty articles on the same topic, I am ready for the fruit Ben. Anti-aging products are coming available in scores and the pricing of the products isn't much better. Everyone claims their manufactured goods work better than other products, but when you read the reports, you are back at square one trying to figure out which product works.

The skin type is essential when considering anti-aging products, since every one of us has different types, which includes sensitivity to certain chemicals. For the most part, the anti-aging products have similar chemicals, while professing the ingredients are different. What works best for your skin type is essential. If you have acne problems and no signs of aging, you might want to consider products that reduce breakouts.

While products are available for strictly acne problems, I found that allergic creams work wonders when you apply a small amount the infected area. While I do not have ongoing acne problems, occasionally my skin breaks out and I use Maximum Strength Anti-Itching Allergic Creams, which have Histamine Blockers, skin PROTECTANT ingredients, and Topical Analgesic. The product removes the inflamed acne problem almost immediately. The product I employ has active ingredients that prevent side affects.

As for aging remedies, I have tried several products with no results. One of the better products utilized by myself gave a radiant look, while minimizing lines temporarily. The product is a Facial Foaming solution and Moisturizing Emulsion. The product claims to diminish signs of aging, including toning the skin and restoring pigmentation. The problem is, I am a panelist, and thus I cannot at this time give you the name of the product. I've tried the product directly from the Home Testing Institute. Still, the natural products are best.

Vitamin A according to a number of examines is another of the natural substances that helps to refresh the skins tissue, while controlling wrinkles. Vitamins are by no means injurious, thus taking any vitamin can assist, and nevertheless, each vitamin regimen has its own reasons for usage. Calcium for instance, helps to slow the process of deterioration, especially in the spinal and bone areas. Calcium Magnesium and Zinc combined however, is found to reduce the aging process. Collagen is found in the skin, especially in the face region, which if the substance is lacking aging processes will speed up according to the experts. Therefore, anti-aging products, more specially the gels, foams, serums, creams, and lotions might be a good choice of anti-aging remedies. Still, you want to make sure other chemicals are not included to spare self of harm.

According to few spectators, copper combined with Vitamin A, or its agent RETINOL, is the choice for reducing wrinkles, crowfeet, and other aging signs. Some of the natural antioxidants discovered in today's products include Vitamins, A, C, and E. Other ingredients include Alpha LIPOIC Acid, DMEA, TOCOTRIENOL, and C Ester. LIPOIC is found in the metabolism, yet it forms a crystal substance when too much CARB or cholesterol flows through the body.

Collagen anti-aging products are offered in supplement form. The product sellers allege that the supplement can avert, or lessen wrinkles, yet supplements were studied, and found to cause detrimental side effects, including heart diseases. Products including Collagen in the form of foam, serums, cream, lotion, gel, are less damning as the supplements according to official studies.

One of the major causes of wrinkling prematurely arrives from bruising, injuries, burns, overexposure to heated areas or cold areas, smoke, and so on.

Therefore, it is important to know what your skin is missing to find the answers to reducing wrinkles. I discovered an innovative anti-aging remedy; however, it cannot be discussed in this article, until testing is completed. What a big let down, but from what I've seen this far, results were highly noticeable on one individual, although the woman had cosmetic surgery from a deadly incident and scaring as a result. If this notion can restore her face, then it is possible that it will enhance other faces as well. We will see in time and once new studies show evidence and facts, only then will I inform you of the product in the making.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Counting Down the Age with Anti Aging Solutions

People around the world are counting down the aging process believing that the innovative anti aging solutions will restore their youth. The fact is we are all growing older every day, and as we, age, x-amount of wrinkles, lines, sagging, crow feet and other signs of age will occur. Sure, you can get surgery, but I promise you as you can continue to grow you will notice side effects of the surgeries regardless of what they tell you.

Anti aging products are available and all have their own claims. The products individually claim to what no other formula can do. Is there a solution then that works better than others do? Sure, there is, but the trick is figuring out which one it is from hundreds available.

NONI Juice and Aloe Vera is one of the many anti aging products available today. The product under research found that the product not only reduces aging, it supports and soothes the digestive system, by enhancing digestion so the body can soak up nutrients more efficiently, thus fighting viruses and bacteria as it works. Thus, the product claims to transmit advantageous matters to the skin area, thus enhancing the hair and skin. The product also supports the circulatory system and immunity system.

BEWARE! New studies conducted by the Government officials claim to found evidence that the supplements for anti-aging, has proven to cause harm and does not have half the chemicals or substances included as labels claim. If you want sound advice, staying away from supplements is wise, especially if the supplement has additives or other ingredients that are particularly harmful.

Creams, lotions, gels, foams, and other methods for reducing age is available also, however, some have chemicals in the ingredients that are deadly if taking orally. What a scary notion, especially when you consider applying harmful chemicals to the flesh, which absorbs in the body. PROPYLENE GLYCOL is one of the harmful chemicals found in many anti-aging products. The chemical is utilized in brake fluids and antifreeze solvents, which is specially designed for engines on motor vehicles. Thus, if you are applying solutions to your skin regularly, realize what your flesh is absorbing.

Still, other chemicals found in anti-aging products, including CARCINOGEN, have been linked to certain types of cancers. This particular chemical is also found in certain cosmetics, including deodorants and so on. The purpose of employing anti-aging products is to minimize aging signs not to kill yourself for using the product.

Stress, fatigue, overexposure of heat, coldness, chemicals in the air, and other harmful contaminating elements in life increase our aging process. Lack of exercise and improper dieting can also lead to aging sooner. Thus, if you are exposing self to the sun often, beware because as you age you will see more wrinkles than nature intended. Sun tan lotions or else lotions that produce tanning without touching the sun should also be carefully examined. The best solution is accepted what God gave you and move on with your life.

Some of the better chemicals or additives in anti-aging products are MELATONIN, or DHEA or else DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE. Active RETINOL is another of the anti-aging products available. RETINOL is not necessarily bad since it is a substance found in Vitamin A. RETINYL PALMITATE and RETINAL is other ingredients of Vitamin A. According to few, the RETINOIC Acids in Vitamin A can restore the facials youth. Thus, the ultimate anti-aging solution according to few is TRETINOIN and vigorous element in RENOVA and RETINS A, which works to restore the youth. Thus, considering TRETINOIN, it is merely a breakdown of Vitamin A, and its ingredients. Thus, the ingredient TRET is merely a metabolite.

According to few researchers, products with TRETINOIN have proven to reduce signs of aging. After testing the product is was said the product had no side effects, which causes skin irritations, drying of the skin, peeling, and or sensitivity to the sun. Thus, the product works to reducing wrinkles, lines, and smoothes the skin, while restoring thickness of skin and motivating depositions of collagen. Whether this is true or not is not clear to me, however, I'm willing to give it a go, since the ingredients are natural sources.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

More Reviews on Anti Aging Products

The many reviews on anti-aging products abroad the Internet can help you to decide which products are right for your skin. If you have wrinkles, crow feet, fine lines, or other skin issues, including blotching, freckles and so on, few of the products on the market are said to offer help.

Beta ALISTINE Skin Science Line Delete Treatments in a few weeks is said to be one of the better products for minimizing wrinkles, toning the skin, tightening the skin and making the fine lines disappear while enhancing the texture of the skin around five-hundred percent. The source using Beta anti-aging cream claims that the solution minimized her freckles as well.

A well-known doctor, working with the molecular science labs noted that Beta ALISTINE leisurely decreased the processes of aging, by rejuvenating age cells and slowing the fibroblasts.

One report claimed that BIOELEMENTS one of the anti-aging products offered on the market is excellent for skin treatment. The product is one of the anti-aging products on the marketplace where you can have it custom mixed to suit your type of skin. According to sources online, the ALPHABLEND is one of the better choices of ingredients to select from this product. Thus, if you have blemishes then the inhibitors are optional since it works to extract conditions of the skin that causes blemishing to occur. The refiner, however, has a higher than average content of alcohol, thus this is not ideal for applying to the face.

Other individual offering reviews on the product said the same as the first person that the product is expensive. The second person dermatologist recommended the solution for reducing lines and refining the skin. The product according to the second reviewer does what the label says it can do for your skin. The person claimed that not long after utilizing the product her lines started to fade around the eyes and mouth area, while her skin felt smoother and radiant. According to the source, the anti-aging solution quickly absorbs and has no side effects. Thus, the person made reference to the manufactured goods to a number her friends, which made the purchase and all claimed that the product did wonders, including given a dissimilar texture to the skin with higher effectiveness.

A new designed by Avon is another of the anti-aging solutions on the market. At one time, I nearly purchased this product myself, but after reading several reports, I reconsidered. Several people that tried this product claimed that it did nothing in the line of what Avon claims the cream will do. The people claim no effect was delivered after using the product. One claimed that the product gave off a cosmetic conceal, which means like makeup it only hides so much for so long and then the problems reoccur. Personally, I used a few my roommates at the times; using one of Avon's Anew products, and it did make my face look radiant for a short time. As for the crow feet, they do not have shoes on yet.

One woman trying AMINOGENESIS gave a satisfactory rating on the product, although she had evident problems with the product. The woman started showing signs of sagging when she made the purchase, paying around $45 for the product. The product claimed it would moisturize the skin, exfoliate and invigorate the skin simultaneously. The product did exfoliate the skin near the eye area, after using the product for a few days; however, the eye area became dry and wrinkled. A clear contradiction of anti-aging! The woman tried other products that worked to undo what the AMINOGENESIS product did to her eyes. She used FANIE Unveiling products, which were rid of the problem and made the mistake of using the AMINOGENESIS solution again, which caused dryness and wrinkling again. However, she claimed that few of the spots caused from the sun-blanched and that it did tighten the skin. However, she noted that irritation occurred while using the product since it has a high level of amino acid, which is not a good deal for flesh. She also said that the product had a strong perfume aroma, which is not a good deal either.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why Juicing for Health

Juicing for health is an easy way to get lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants into your diet. Many people find it difficult to include enough vegetables in their diet to ensure optimal health and this is one way to easily get the benefits of this health providing foods. If you have a distaste for vegetables, I will provide recipes and suggestions for making your vegetable juices tasty!

I don't recommend juicing fruits as this provides to high a level of concentrated sugar. Too much sugar in the diet leads to inflammation which leads to a whole host of health problems. However, certain fruits can be mixed with your veggies to provide a tasty combination for your palate.

Juicing for health provides many benefits by helping to alkalize your system. Most of the foods we eat such as meat, fish, poultry, grains, dairy, salt, and sugar are acid producing. It is important to help our bodies maintain the right acid/alkaline balance and avoid some of the aging related problems that too high an acid diet can cause.

There is evidence that adding alkaline food to our diet may help prevent osteoporosis and age-related muscle wasting.

Types of Juicers

  1. The centrifugal Juicer is the primary one sold on the market. They work by grinding then straining your vegetables by spinning at a high speed. They usually produce a good volume of juice. The Omega 1000 & 4000 and Juiceman II are examples of centrifugal juicers. Not very good at extracting juice from leafy greens.
  2. Masticating juicers work at slower speed. They chew and break down the vegetable fibers. This gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. The champion Juicer is an example of a masticating juicer.
  3. Twin gear juicers also work at a slow speed. First, they crush the vegetables than they press them to extract the juice. These machines provide more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. They also have magnetic and bio-ceramic technology that slows down the oxidation process. This can be good if you want to store your juice, which I don't recommend. For the most benefit drink your juice right away!
These juicers are excellent for juicing leafy greens (which you will want to do). Juicing time is longer with these juicers because of the slower juicing process, but it gives you a higher quality juice.

There are many juicers on the market and it is best to research fully before investing your money in one. They come in a variety of price ranges. I personally prefer the twin gear juicers because they can extract juice from leafy greens, an important factor for providing high vitamin and mineral content. However, some may be difficult to use, so do your homework here! One of the best ones is the Green Star GS1000, but there are also other good ones on the market.

Juicing for Health Recipes and Guidelines

When you are juicing for health it is important to buy organic vegetables if at all possible since juicing will concentrate whatever is in (or on) the vegetable (or fruit). Some vegetables are more important than other to buy organic. I will indicate this below.

If you are a novice juicer it is best to start with milder tasting vegetables like cucumber and celery. You may try adding a carrot or a couple pieces of apple for a sweeter flavor.

Once you get used to the concentrated flavors of juicing you can start to add more of the darker colored vegetables like beets, kale, collards, spinach, really any vegetable you like. You may also add a few drops of lemon juice which contrary to what you might think, is alkaline producing.

Here is one of my favorite green juice recipes.
  • 4-5 stalks organic only celery, including leaves
  • 2 big handfuls spinach
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • You may add a couple of drops of lemon juice if you like. I prefer it without.
  • Another favorite:
  • 4-5 carrots
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1 small beet
In the future, if you want to get adventurous you can even add a small amount of fresh ginger or garlic. Some people may have difficulty digesting the raw garlic, but if you can, it is very anti bacterial and anti viral and good for your blood and heart.
Now it's time for you to experiment!! Enjoy juicing for health!

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Delicious Anti Aging Diet

What is an anti aging diet? Is it filled with foods you think of as "good for you" but lack the great flavors your taste buds crave?

Will it be boring and tasteless?

Well no.

In fact, it is actually filled with anti aging food that is satisfying, tasty and filled with hidden pleasures that you may not be aware of. If you want to know more about these tempting anti aging foods look here. Some may even surprise you!

Some of those anti aging foods, of course, will be in the category of antioxidant foods. Those foods are some of the most fun and colorful fruits and veggies. And of course, they are filled with flavor and vitamins. To learn what some of those foods are look here.

Of course, those anti aging foods contain lots of anti aging nutrients which are the keys to our health, youthful looks, and longevity.
What are the best anti aging nutrients? You can find them here.

Anti Aging Beverages

Of all the beverages that we consume, water is by far the best for the anti aging diet. If you think water is boring, I will help you find really great ways to spruce up your water to make it yummy and even more beneficial.
However, not all water is as good for you as you might think. Here I will show you the best drinking water for your best health. We will even talk about alkaline water which has become popular as a health-giving drink. What is alkaline water? Look here to find out.

Juicing for health is another option for the anti aging diet. Juicing is an easy, convenient and tasty way to get your anti aging nutrients and add to your optimal health.

Recent evidence shows the many benefits of tea. Recent studies have shown that tea is a good food for the brain and drinking it regularly may slow mental decline as we age. Of course, there are many other benefits of tea, some of which you will find here.

Avoid the Aging Diseases with a Specific Diet

Yes, we have a diet for everything these days. If you want your anti aging diet to keep your cholesterol low without taking a drug with all its unpleasant side effects, we have a lower cholesterol diet.

If the thought of a heart attack or stoke worries you, we have the healthy heart diet.

Practically everyone is facing arthritis down the line, whether it's a small amount in your left big toe like mine is, or whether it is aiming to take over your life. Nobody wants arthritis to affect their mobility or quality of life. So we have the arthritis diet. Maybe we can even avoid it all together if we start soon enough!

Most women in middle age are thinking of the possibility of osteoporosis. Nobody wants this and the problems that come with it.

Also, many people don't realize that men can get osteoporosis too. So we have the osteoporosis diet with lots of calcium-containing foods that may surprise you!

5 Ways to Take Control of Your Skin Always Healthy

When it comes to your skin, you, and you alone, are responsible for taking control of it. This not only means eating a well-balanced diet and gently cleansing your skin nightly, especially if you wear makeup but many other things.

These can include:

  1. Make sure that you protect your skin from the sun because a lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots, freckles, rough dry skin, and even cancer. You should avoid being out in the sun between ten o’clock in the morning and four o’clock in the afternoon when the rays of the sun are strongest. Make sure that you wear protective clothing and use the right type of sunscreen. Apply it thirty minutes before you go outside and reapply the ever couple of hours.
  2. Quit smoking or do not start because it can contribute to wrinkles and make your skin looked older. It also destroys the elastin and collagen, which gives your skin its elasticity and strength. In addition, the way you have to move your lips when you inhale and squinting to keep the smoke from irritating them can contribute to wrinkles.
  3. Treat your skin gently by limiting your bath time and use warm water and mild soap to help prevent your skin from losing oil. When you shave your arms and legs, use a lotion or gel and save in the direction the hair grows. When you are drying off, do not scrub your skin dry, but pat it dry instead and if your skin is dry use a moisturizer on your skin that fits your skin type.
  4. Make sure that your diet includes plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. For younger looking skin make sure that you are getting plenty of Vitamin C.
  5. This may be a hard one to do at times, but try to manage your stress levels because if you how out of controlled stress it can make your skin more sensitive and trigger skin problems such as acne breakouts.

If you are a person that loves to go to the tanning bed once a week or more, this is something that you should consider not doing because it can also give you rough dry skin and make you look older. These are just some of the things that can help you take control of your skin and keeps it young and beautiful looking. By taking control of your skin, you will find yourself aging gracefully and beautifully.

What Are the Best Anti Aging Supplements?

As we age we need a little help, a little boost along the way. That is what many anti aging supplements are good at doing. Some of them are also helpful to correct some of the abuses our bodies have suffered in our earlier days. If our diets have been less than perfect or we have indulged a little too much in social excesses then anti aging supplements may be useful.

It is helpful if we think of these supplements in categories that address various area connected to the aging process. Many supplements have more than one function and may fit more than one category which only increases their usefulness!

For instance, we have antioxidants that limit the free radical damage which I will explain below.

Anti-inflammatory supplements are becoming more popular as researchers are discovering that inflammation may contribute to heart disease and many other aging-related problems. Of course, there is the cholesterol reducing supplements and supplements for eye health, supplements for joint and bone health such as arthritis supplements and many others. These days we can find an anti aging supplement to help with just about any age-related disorder.

Immune system supplements are helpful as we age, as our bodies may not be as good at fighting foreign invaders as when we were younger. Stress vitamins are also helpful since stress can lower our immunity.

Many men have concerns about prostate trouble and prostate supplements are excellent at alleviating prostate symptoms.

Below you will find some suggestions for some good supplements. Anti aging herbs also have many of the same benefits as supplements and in some cases have their own special benefits. Check back often as research is always uncovering new products that can benefit us all!

What Are Antioxidants and What Do They Do?

Most of us have heard the term free radicals and we have an idea that they are bad for us. Free radicals are produced during chemical reactions within our bodies called oxidation. This is a necessary process, but it can have damaging effects.

Many of the diseases of aging may be attributed to free radical damage. Many feel that cancer and coronary artery disease is a result of free radical damage.

Our own bodies produce antioxidants to a certain extent to limit the build up of free radical damage, but as we age our body doesn't produce as much of our natural antioxidant as it did when we were younger.

Because of this, it is helpful to consume antioxidants through antioxidant food and anti aging supplements. Anti aging vitamins are a good source of antioxidants.

Resveratrol is another antioxidant that is getting a lot of notice. The benefits of resveratrol may be found here.

What Can We Do to Boost Our Immune Systems

As we get older our immune systems can weaken leaving us open to getting all kinds of illnesses from flu to shingles. What kind of immune system supplements are available to keep us strong, healthy and keep us from picking up every bug that comes along?

Colostrum supplements are immune system boosters that you may not have heard of. As we know stress can hinder our immune system from working at its optimum and stress vitamins are helpful here. Some anti aging herbs are also good immune boosters.

Hormone Boosting Anti Aging Supplements

Most of us are aware that as we get older our hormones start to decline to cause many problems from energy, and muscle loss to hot flashes and memory problems. None of us want the side effects of lower hormone production. Much controversy surrounds taking hormones and the unwanted side effects and potentially serious health problems of this type of therapy.

If we don't want to take artificial hormones or even bioidentical hormones what can we do? Menopause supplements are of great benefit to women in helping to reduce and even eliminate menopause signs. Supplements are available for andropause symptoms and even for somatopause.

Anti-inflammatory Supplements

Inflammation in the body is caused by your own body's immune response to invading pathogens like viruses and bacteria. It is an important and necessary response to protect us. However, chronic inflammation in the body is not a good thing!

Current research is showing that inflammation can lead to atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke. Evidence also suggests a connection between inflammation and a predisposition for the development of cancer. It is in our best interest to limit chronic inflammation to try and avoid some of the worst diseases that often come with advancing age.

Some anti-inflammatories are anti aging vitamins like Vitamin E and others. Omega 3 oil is also exceptionally helpful in reducing inflammation.

Anti Aging Supplements for the Brain

If you are at all worried about some of the aging diseases like Alzheimer's Disease, or even mild cognitive impairment you are probably thinking about what brain supplement to take and what you can do to avoid those problems.

Research into brain health, ways to improve our brain function and prevention of diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is an ongoing process. We now know that many ways exist to improve brain function and evidence is being uncovered that nutrients and supplements can play a large role in how our brain ages.

Omega 3 oil with its anti-inflammatory properties is a good brain supplement. Acetyl-L-carnitine is also being used for Alzheimer's Disease and brain health in addition to other uses.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

5 Products to Help Skin to Stay Looking Young and Healthy

There are tons of products out there that claim to help skin fight the effects of aging. It is very hard to know what products will actually be effective, but there are some basic guidelines that are scientifically studied and proven to help skin to stay looking young and healthy.

  1. One top product for skin repair and renewal is products including an ingredient called EFG compounds. EFG stands for Epidermal Growth Factor and has been found in Icelandic barley by a well-known biotechnology lab. It has been studied and found to promote epidermal renewal to make damaged skin be repaired faster than normal and more effectively. One product that contains this ingredient is DNA EGF Renewal
  2. Another favorite product ingredient is Collagen. Collagen helps skin to retain the elasticity it begins with and renews skin firmness to fight the wrinkling process as the customer ages. This is a natural element already in the body, and adding it increases the body’s natural ability to heal the effects of sun, life, and aging. Collagen has been found to improve the skin’s appearance and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles in the skin by over 350% when compared in scientific studies to placebo treatments. A well-known product including collagen is Kollagen Intensiv, which has a money-back ninety-day guarantee.
  3. Antioxidants can help treat wrinkles and lines in the skin as well. One particularly effective antioxidant is called ubiquinone. This ingredient is contained in a popular product named LifeCell which has been endorsed by plastic surgeons as a safe and easy replacement for Botox or collagen injections. This product is featured in popular news and magazine sources like the New York Times, Time magazine, and NBC news.
  4. Peptides are another popular ingredient in skin care formulas. One well-known product including peptides, as well as powerful antioxidants, is Oxytokin. This product when compared to higher priced brand name products is much less expensive, selling for under $30 for an amount that is worth approximately $80 of other comparable products. Also, Oxytokin contains higher amounts of key ingredients like peptides and antioxidants than the leading name brands.
  5. Some products use stem cell research to speed the renewal of skin cells, helping to shed damaged skin cells and increase the rate of renewal of healthy cells that are found under the damaged layer of skin. A popular product using this technology is Dermavexin. This product is one of the few currently to use stem cell technology for skin care.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Which Foods Are Worth Buying Organic?

Food costs are skyrocketing, but still, many experts say that organic food is an important and worthwhile investment in spite of its high price tag. But must you ensure that every food item in your grocery cart is certified organic? No; for those who want to eat healthfully, but find themselves on a restrictive food budget, rest easy–you can make smart choices about which food you should buy with an organic label and disregard the foods that won’t make much difference in your diet. But how can you know what to buy? Read on to learn more about the important distinctions you should make as you peruse the organic food aisles at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.

But first, let’s discuss the overall benefit of organic food. Generally, organic foods have more nutrients, contain a lower percentage of toxins, and can aid in weight loss as well as increase the strength of your immune system. Foods that are certified organic have significant health benefits for those who consume them regularly. The foods that contain the highest amount of pesticide residues and the foods that you most frequently consume are those that you should focus on purchasing in their organic form. The most contaminated fruits and vegetables (according to the Environmental Working Group) are bell peppers, apples, celery, strawberries, pears, grapes, lettuce, potatoes, spinach, peaches, nectarines, and cherries. These “dirty dozen” in the produce department should be purchased organic whenever possible to reduce possible contamination. Purchasing these fruits in a season can reduce the cost of buying organic, and often you can even find the fruit from a local purveyor, which is good for you and your carbon footprint.

Milk is another food item that is worth any additional cash expenditure. Organic milk has been found to contain 75% more beta carotene, 50% more vitamin E, and 70% more omega-3 fatty acids. It also has higher levels of antioxidants and “good” fat that is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, healthier arteries, and less belly fat. Yes, organic milk is usually twice as expensive as its regular counterpart, but the nutritional value is impressive.

Which organics can you skip? Anything that can still be classified as junk food doesn’t need to be purchased in its organic incarnation. Soda is soda, whether it’s made from cane sugar or corn syrup, and it’s not worth the extra cash to buy it organic. The same goes for cookies or candy.

Ways To Look Younger

Many people want to retain their youthful looks forever but, unfortunately,eating, time catches up with all of us. The best you can do is to follow some ways to look younger and you will surely look young for your age. Among these are quitting smoke, eating healthy, have a great outlook and a dazzling smile and getting lots of exercises to help you maintain that youthful physique.

The brain can also stay young by keeping active. Playing crossword puzzles, cryptograms and the like makes the brain work at solving problems. Eating healthy foods help maintain your youthful build as well as your health and vibrant looks. Exercising regularly helps the muscles to stay firm and strong. Try not working out for a week and you will see changes already. The muscles tend to sag and and you feel much more tired and less energized than when you have a steady exercise regimen.

Nevertheless, feeling adventurous also helps you keep your youthful vigor. Keeping a healthy relationship with your friends and staying active will help mind, body and spirit stay young. Standing straight makes the bones stronger and healthier and makes you appear thinner. When you slouch, there is that tendency that the spinal cord curves and gives that impression of old age.

Live a carefree life and try not to put much weight on the problems you have now. Enjoy whatever you have and seize every moment because you might not be able to do it again. These are only a few of the many ways to look younger so try to find that extra something in your life and hold on to it.

Facial Microdermabrasion Benefits

Through the years, we have learned about many dermatologic treatments that can be performed in the human body to enhance, repair, or maintain your looks. Microdermabrasion is one of them. It is important to note, though, that people should not overdo these procedures because, just as they have benefits, they also have risks.

Microdermabrasion is a procedure that can be done on any part of the body to eradicate warts and scars. Facial microdermabrasion, however, does more than that.

Facial microdermabrasion benefits are many and include its convenience. It can be done in dermatology clinics or even in spas. You can go to these places at the slightest need to get the treatment just as long as the one who will perform the procedure has a free schedule. You also do not have to rest for a long time after the procedure. In fact, you can start working again or partying right after you get the treatment. These benefits have earned the procedure a reputation of being a quick, effective and non invasive dermatologic treatment.

If you have been worrying about your large pores, oily skin, fine lines, mild acne scars, and uneven pigmentation, you can stop stressing as microdermabrasion may just be the right procedure to help you solve these beauty problems.

The most touted of the facial microdermabrasion benefits is that it smooths out fine lines and shallow wrinkles giving you a more youthful appearance. It also exfoliates your skin gettin rid of those graying dead skin cells and giving it a more youthful glow.

Microdermabrasion is also known as a very cheap way to keep your skin looking young and beautiful, whereas other dermatologic treatments require you to shell out thousands of your hard-earned dollars. You can get a treatment for as low as $100

Taking Anti Aging Vitamins to Keep You Young

Vitamins and minerals are essential in the growth and development of every person, but they are equally important as we age to prevent age-related problems and break-down. By eating foods rich in nutrients, you can help to slow the aging process, but seldom is the vitamin intake from food significant enough to stay young.

There are also anti aging vitamins that can help you keep you looking young. Lately, antioxidants have received a lot of positive news coverage for their roles in reversing skin damage that comes with aging. In addition to vitamins like A and E that are ingested, topical beauty creams and moisturizers have been developed in the past several years based on cutting edge technology to reverse some of the signs of aging, smooth wrinkles, and remove age spots and dark circles around the eyes. Nevertheless, there are those anti aging creams that claim to help older individuals get that glow in their faces. These products are geared not just to maintaining a youthful appearance, but actually reversing the effects of aging and recovering lost youth and vigor.

However, studies show that some anti aging creams have low concentration of vitamins. This means that the skin does not absorb it well. Nevertheless, some anti-aging skin creams have the necessary nutrients and the right amount of vitamins to help slow down the aging process, as well as natural ingredients that help smooth and lighten skin problems.

Nutrition And Aging Goes Hand In Hand

Aging is inevitable.  There is no way to get out of this process because everyone experiences aging.  But one thing you can do to slow down the process is to eat foods that help keep your body younger and more healthy.  Nutrition and aging are two things that go hand in hand.  The nutrition people take in reflects the kind of lifestyle they have.  As for aging, when people get older, their body changes so they need to have the diet that would compensate for the added vitamins needed.

More so, elders need to watch what they are eating and make every bite nutritious.  They need to eat foods that can help them stay healthy.  Unwanted fats and junk foods do no good to the body thus it needs to be avoided.  There is nothing wrong if you increase eating nutritious foods, as you get older because your body needs almost everything it can get to stay healthy.

Water is yet another important thing individuals need.  People need water because of the many benefits they get out of it.  It helps people avoid constipation, dehydration, kidney stress and the likes.  It is also a recommendation that people need to drink at least eight glasses of water every day to avoid dehydration.  Carrying around a bottle of water is one thing people can do to lessen that hassle of buying water every time he gets thirsty.

Better to start keeping your body healthy as early as possible so that you can reap the rewards of it when you get older.

Are You Eating Enough Anti Aging Antioxidant Foods?

Antioxidants help the body neutralize free radicals – those renegade cells that are thought to cause disease, illness and some aspects of aging. People look for an anti aging antioxidant formula because they want to stay as young and healthy as they can be. They prove to be beneficial to the health of those who use them. Some examples of such antioxidants are green tea extracts, cranberry extract, olive oil extracts and the like. Antioxidants are in many of your favorite healthy foods and in your vitamin supplement pills. Many dark colored berries, such as blueberries, contain significant amounts of anthrocyanins, a signficant source of powerful antioxidants. A substance found in the skins of grapes used in wine, resveratrol, has shown great promise in reducing the effects of a high fat diet in causing heart disease (the so-called “French Paradox”). Clearly, the effects on antioxidants on our health and longevity should not be ignored.

Consuming food containing these is truly beneficial because it helps boost your immune system. Being healthy and staying healthy are two ways you can stay younger and more vibrant. Eating foods with high nutritional value is something individuals must consider but if you don’t get enough vitamins and antioxidants in your food, you should also consider supplementation.

Although there are scientists and doctors working round the clock in finding a cure to everything, it will be many decades before they make progress on todays age related diseases. So, it’s in your best interest to get on an anti aging antioxidant program. It has been said that people who live and eat healthy are most likely to have a longer lifespan. Eating healthy foods and supplementing to be sure you get enough of the important foods will help to keep you slim, energetic and disease free.

Supplements such as Proleva and Juvenon are targeted at providing the body with targeted, highly concentrated amounts of the same anti-aging antioxidants that could only otherwise by consuming massive amounts of fresh fruit “superfoods”  (goji, noni, acai among others) and copious amounts of red wine (resveratrol). For many people, supplementing with antioxidant products is a safe, Affordable way to ensure a significant amount of antioxidants are added to their lifestyle.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Anti Aging Foods

When people talk about eating anti aging foods, what is it that they really mean? Are there foods that can stop or slow down the aging process?

Some folks would rather try medical procedures and medicines because they are modern. But going natural with that goal of preventing aging is the best thing there is and that starts with eating the right foods. You do not need to look far to get these foods either because you can easily purchase them in a regular grocery store.

So what are these magical anti aging foods?

You might be surprised to find that foods that fight aging are the foods that you knew were good for you all along! Yes, it’s true fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help keep your body young and healthy. While all fruits and veggies are good for you, there are some that are particularly good when it comes to helping you age more gracefully.

Avocados are a good source of Vitamin E as well as potassium which helps keep your skin young looking and healthy. It can also prevent high blood pressure and fluid retention.

Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflowers, cabbages, turnips help the body in combating toxins and can be helpful in preventing some forms of cancer.

Berries like blackcurrant berries and strawberries help the body protect itself from damage usually caused by aging and free radicals.

Garlic, one of the most common kitchen ingredients, also helps prevent some heart diseases and cancer.

Ginger is especially popular for older folks because this vegetable boosts the digestive and circulatory systems to function better.

There are much more anti aging foods and if you stick with a healthy diet you will be sure to get plenty of them. But’s what might be even more important is avoiding other types of foods like sugary snacks, white bread, and any packaged and processed foods as they have little nutritional value and cause a strain on your body which can cause illness and accelerate aging.

Aging And Dementia

Dementia has been linked to aging because of the symptoms. However, dementia is different from normal aging.

Dementia is a condition where there is the regression in the mental ability of one person. This usually occurs in any stage of adulthood, which first made it linked to aging. The following are some symptoms with brief explanations to emphasize the difference between aging and dementia syndromes.

Memory fluctuations or loss. At first, people with dementia complaining of not remembering a few things is really similar to someone getting old. Later, it will be noticed that people with dementia will even forget names and faces of people they know, even those they interact with on a daily basis.

  1. People with dementia will eventually forget how to do certain activities, including those that they regularly do.
  2. While misplacing things is somewhat common, people with dementia become very unaware that they might put their shoe in the fridge.
  3. Time and place incomprehension. While with normal aging, people sometimes becomes unsure of the date. They sometimes forget the places they are familiar with, but when given a little time, they will eventually remember it. People with dementia literally get lost in places they have known for a long time.
  4. Changes in personality. They have a tendency to become a “different” person. While everyone has the possibility to change, people with dementia will show the drastic change of self.
  5. Mood swings. Everybody becomes moody sometimes. But with people suffering from this condition, their mood swings happen within minutes.
  6. Problems with other mental abilities. They may become very hard to understand since they might use wrong words unknowingly. They might jumble words in their search for the right terms.

While numbers are sometimes so confusing, people with dementia may even forget what numbers are. They might even wonder what they are for.

Aging and dementia may have similarities with the symptoms. However, the severity of the condition defines the differences. As soon as these symptoms are noticed, it is best to consult a professional.

Memory and Aging | Anti Aging Solution

As we grow old, our body undergoes changes. One thing that few people realize is that as we get older, our bodies start to develop less of the chemicals our brain cells need to function. Brain cells start to diminish and memory function is affected.

Memory and aging are associated with each other because it has been noticed that older people have a tendency to forget a lot of things. As we age, the way our brain stores and recalls information may also change.

Short term memory like what you ate for breakfast or where you went last night isn’t usually what is affected.  Long term memories such childhood memories also aren’t usually affected. It is the most recent memory which contains events that happened a few days ago, or a few hours ago that might be the things you forget.

Getting a little bit forgetful is natural and nothing to worry about.  Here are some ways you can counteract the forgetfulness that comes with aging:

  1. Note down important events you need to attend to. Keep lists if needed.
  2. If you can, follow a routine. Develop the habit of good organization, such as keeping your shoes in one area, keeping canned goods in a separate area.
  3. Use special marks such as landmarks, to find places.
  4. When you meet someone for the first time, repeat their name as you are introduced.  This will help you to remember it moments later when you want to get their attention.
  5. Use a detailed calendar.
  6. When trying to find the right word, run through the alphabet. Knowing the first letter of the word you are trying to remember will only confuse you more.

A little loss of memory and aging can be normal, but if you are becoming overly forgetful, you might want to schedule a visit to your doctor to rule out anything more serious.

You may also want to consider taking a nutritional supplement, like Intelliboost, that contains many of the natural herbs that have shown promise in memory retention and focus.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Botox And Restylane

There is a notion that the old and the new can either clash or work well together. One way that the old and the new work wonders is when you are experiencing premature aging and you need new treatments to resolve your beauty concerns.

Botox and Restylane are two very popular cosmetic procedures that can help reduce unsightly wrinkles, folds and fine lines from your face and neck area.

Botox has worked wonders for celebrities and other beauty-conscious individuals for at least the past decade. This treatment, which is approved by the American Food and Drug Administration, continues to be one of the top choices of people aged 18 to 65 as a short-term solution to their frown lines in the brow area. The treatment uses of a substance called botulinum that is injected by a dermatologic expert. This substance relaxes the muscles and the effects last to up to sixty days. Just like most treatments, Botox also has side effects particularly facial pain. It is also advisable not to overdo this procedure.

Restylane, on the other hand, makes use of dermal fillers to make the skin firmer and smoother. Injecting the dermal fillers to the affected area, commonly the lip area, the dimples and the cheeks, also does the process. It has been very popular in Europe and is also approved by the American FDA.

It is possible to combine both Botox and Restylane in one session as they treat different areas. It was reported, though, that the combination of the two may prolong the results you want.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Anti Aging Wrinkles

Aging manifests itself in different ways. Your memory becomes not as sharp as it used to be. Your senses of sight and hearing become affected. Your bones and muscles become weak. And wrinkles start to appear in your body. Premature aging brought about by excessive smoking, stress, and unhealthy lifestyle can also instigate the appearance of wrinkles and lines in your face.

If you do not want to look like your younger sister’s mother, then having an anti aging wrinkles regimen should be one of your priorities. And no, you do not have to shell out thousands of dollars just to get temporary solutions—that could possibly result in severe side effects—from dermatologists to resolve this. All you have got to do is start living a healthier lifestyle.

Poor hydration also causes wrinkles as the shortage of water means lack of moisture. Therefore, you find another reason why it is healthy to consume about eight glasses of water a day.

Antioxidants are important in skincare, especially when preventing premature aging. They combat many of the bad elements in the body, including those that bring about wrinkles in our skin. Expensive creams take pride in their antioxidants content. You, however, can get antioxidants at a lower price. There are vitamin supplements that are also rich in antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables, though, are the cheapest source of antioxidants. So make sure to consume a lot of them.

Finally, smoking is really dangerous for your skin and quitting should be the first thing you do in your anti aging wrinkles campaign. It can prevent oxygen and other vitamins and minerals from nourishing your skin; thus causing the skin to have folds or wrinkles. This is just one of the many reasons why you should quit smoking.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

What Are The Best Anti Aging Supplements?

If you talk to anyone over the age of 40, they’ll probably express an interest in maintaining their youth and good health.  By using some of the best anti aging supplements and you might find yourself getting more than what you expect.  These supplements can help you feel younger and might also help ward off illness and disease.

Vitamin A was found to help improve the immune system in combating unwanted guests in the body.  It can also help in repairing the skin.  Nevertheless, Vitamin A must be taken moderately because taking  too much of it can cause unwanted effects.

Vitamin B12 is found in meats, dairy products and the like and is one of the best anti aging supplements although it is not recognized as such.  It too can help in skin cell repair.  Vitamin B6, on the other hand, also helps the immune system to function properly.  It also helps prevent any skin damage.  Cereals, liver, beans and the likes are some of the food that contains the aforementioned vitamin.

Vitamin C is found in citrus like oranges.  Research shows that this vitamin may help in preventing people from getting cancer, stroke, and some heart diseases.  The sun is the best source of Vitamin D that helps prevent osteoporosis.  Nevertheless, you need to be aware of how much  time you spend in the sun as too much exposure to the suns rays can cause premature aging and skin cancer.

Eggs, fruits, cereals and the like contain Vitamin E that helps in slowing down or preventing the effects of dementia.

You can get these vitamins in the foods you eat, but you might also consider taking anti aging supplements so that you can be sure you get enough - sometimes your daily diet will not be adequate to provide the amounts of these vitamins needed for good health.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Tips For Healthy Aging

While the phrase may cause other people to raise eyebrows, healthy aging is the key point in living a youth that never fades.

True, with the medicines modern science has brought, we are able to fight a lot more health problems, thus letting us live longer. Indeed, it has also brought us means in countering what all of us fear, aging. However, it is also because of modern science that living a long life is within our grasp.
The key to aging healthy is a healthy lifestyle. That means watching what you eat, exercising and avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking to excess.

Good nutrition is still the number one concern when it comes to our health. Maintain a healthy diet and complement it with supplements. As we age, our bodies go through changes and these changes affect our nutritional needs. As we get older, we cannot absorb as many nutrients from our food so maintaining a nutritious diet and taking supplements, including anti-aging nutrition supplements, will help us improve our wellbeing.

An active lifestyle is beneficial for healthy aging, too. Doing the right exercises, according to age and health condition, will enhance our physical well-being. It’s also been proven that physical activities can also improve our emotional wellbeing. Doing some cardiovascular activity as well as weight training will help you keep excess pounds off and also keep your muscles tones which mean improved balance and mobility.

Not everyone knows that a positive attitude can also be an anti-aging. Your attitude affects not only your mental strength but also your health. Negativity causes stress and stress has a huge impact on the psychological decline that is often associated with aging. In fact, stress can even lead to wrinkles, darks circles around the eyes, and serious health problems.

Diet, lifestyle, and attitude are all part of healthy aging. In short, live life, the healthy way and you will enjoy a long and happy life!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Longevity Anti Aging

Longevity, or long life, is the goal of pretty much everyone so there is much longevity  anti aging programs and techniques talked about today. But, perhaps the best thing we can do to ensure a long life is to live a healthy one.

While there are a lot of nutrition supplements, and anti-aging supplements that can slow down aging, there is NO supplement that can reverse it. Alls you can do is try to avoid disease and the way to do that is to avoid smoking, pesticides, toxins and stress and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoiding sugary snacks and processed foods is key to good health and longevity.

New studies are being conducted all the time that link healthy living and longevity. Longevity anti aging has become the top concern of our aging society. The following indicates the results of these studies.

Consult a doctor or nutritionist about your current diet and change what you eat accordingly. A healthy diet varies from one person to another since one’s health condition affects his or her nutrition needs. A diet that works for a diabetic might not work for someone who is suffering from high blood pressure.

Increase your water intake. Water cleanses our bodies and helps us flush toxins. Water is needed by our bodies for them to function well. Keep in mind that soda and alcohol cannot replace water in our bodies.

Exercise. As we age, our muscles atrophy and we become less flexible. Yet, having good flexibility and strong muscles are key to being productive in our older years. Consult with a professional to find what types of exercises fit your condition the most.

Living a healthy life is the most important factor in the longevity anti aging battle. Though genetics might have a lot to do with how long and healthy your life is, you may be able to influence the outcome by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Anti-Aging Techniques

We age, that is a fact. Each and every day we age. However, there are some anti-aging techniques that we can use to make aging less noticeable and live healthier and longer lives.

To counter aging, researchers produce technology and products that can help us maintain our youth longer. In addition to taking advantage of these products and techniques, you can also make sure you live a healthy lifestyle.

The following are some things you can do to age gracefully:
  1. Reconsider your diet. No, too much sugar intake. Eating too much sugar will not only pack on the pounds, it also wreaks havoc on your body systems and invites disease and illness.
  2. One of the most simple anti-aging techniques is to drink plenty of water. An individual needs at least 8 glasses of water a day. Since our body is mostly composed of water, it is only logical to replenish it with water and not with soda or alcohol when used.
  3. While one should avoid most fats, there are a lot of healthy fats such as fats from fish, nuts and plant foods like avocados.
  4. Ensure you have enough rest. Stress and pressure speed up aging. These two can make someone look older than he or she truly is.
  5. Protect yourself from harmful environmental factors. Sun block creams and lotions available help our skin become more resistant to sun damage. Supplements will also protect our body from environmental toxins.
  6. Exercises make us healthier and stronger. The healthier we are, the more our bodies are resistant to show aging signs.
The above mentioned anti-aging techniques are just a few of the natural ways that can help a person keep his or her youth. Avoid smoking, don’t drink to excess, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, avoid stress, get plenty of rest and exercise and you should live to a ripe old age!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

5 Steps To The Fountain of Youth

Once many people reach their 40s the changes that take place in the body can no longer be ignored. Some complaints that doctors hear about are sagging body parts, lack of energy, low libido, abdominal obesity and so forth. One of the main issues at play in the aging process is low levels of human growth hormone (HGH). Let’s discuss why optimal HGH levels are so important for fat loss, a healthy libido and wellbeing.

HGH is the hormone responsible for the vast majority of your growth as a child. As an adult it does a lot of other things, such as increasing bone mineralization and muscle mass, protein synthesis, cellular growth and fat breakdown.

HGH is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the human brain which is main gland in the endocrine system.

HGH is an anabolic hormone and works harmoniously with the hormones cortisol and adrenaline to burn fat and to build muscle. Trouble begins when hormones become unruly or your body stops making sufficient amounts of HGH. For example, studies show impaired HGH levels can increase fat, break down muscle and decrease energy levels.

A study in the journal Clinical Endocrinology found that adults with HGH deficiency suffer from social isolation, emotional instability and a decreased sex life compared to individuals with normal HGH levels.

If you suspect you have low levels, you can use these five steps to naturally optimize HGH in your body to boost fat loss and build lean muscle.

  1. Decrease Sugar Intake: Excess sugars keep insulin, a hormone, elevated which results in storage of fat and decreased HGH levels.
  2. Sleep More: Only during your deepest sleep (stages 3 and 4) can your body make HGH. Studies prove that individuals deficient in sleep also had decreased HGH levels.
  3. Stress Less: When stress – real or imagined – becomes chronic, so do cortisol levels, which can drastically decrease HGH levels; this will increase abdominal fat and lethargy.
  4. Melatonin: Supplementing with melatonin can help stimulate HGH secretion. One study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that 5 mg of melatonin taken at night increased HGH by an impressive 157%.
  5. Natural HGH Spray: You can combat HGH deficiency by using an all-natural oral supplement spray and experience some of the same benefits as users of prescription injectable products. Sytropin combines HGH with L-group amino acids and Growth Factors to provide the highest quality HGH supplement available without a prescription. Sytropin has no known side effects and is not a steroid.

If the above steps do not seem to improve your condition within 60-90 days, seek medical attention, preferably an endocrinologist. You may need an insulin hypoglycemia test to determine your HGH deficiency.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ways To Slow Down Facial Aging

The face is one of the parts of the body that people notice first. And when facial aging sets in, you know you will hear something from other people about it. After all, you yourself may be responsible for this occurrence.

Collagen, elastin and moisture are important substances in keeping your skin firm, elastic, and young. Some activities you do or habits you have, however, diminish the production of these substances. As a result, you experience skin aging, particularly facial aging. Wrinkles and fine lines start to appear in your face even if you are just in your 30s.

You do not have to have surgery done to solve your problems on skin aging. You can do simple, practical things to maintain your youthful glow. One of these is by making sure that your face is clean before you sleep. Wash your face especially if you have applied makeup that day. Remember to be gentle on the eye area whether you are washing your face or applying makeup or creams to your face. This region is very delicate and being slapdash toward it, may just cause wrinkles in that area.

Aside from being bad to the lungs, smoking is also hazardous to the skin. It weakens your body’s capability to take in and keep oxygen and antioxidants. Now, you have more reasons to go cold turkey.

Too much exposure to the sun’s harmful UV radiation can cause your skin to look old. Therefore, you should apply sunscreen that has sufficient sun protection factor to save you from photoaging. Using eye serums like Vivexin can help keep the skin around the eyes looking youthful and wrinkle-free.

You also have to maintain a healthy diet to prevent facial aging. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that will keep dirt and toxins from your body. You also have to drink a lot of water as this gives your body enough moisture.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Sun and Aging Skin

You’ve probably heard that the sun and aging skin don’t mix. Well, the truth is that the aging process caused by the sun starts early on – even as early as your 20’s so protecting your skin when it comes to exposure to the sun isn’t something you can put off thinking about until you get older!

There are hundreds of activities under the sun which are really enjoyable to do. These include playing sports like basketball, beach volleyball, swimming, and baseball; strolling and exercising in the park; walking the dog; going on a picnic and; hiking. Indeed, exposure to the sun is unavoidable. What you can avoid, though, is getting a lot of skin problems due to excessive exposure to the sun.

Some of the more common skin problems caused by too much exposure to the sun are skin cancer, brown sun spots and melanoma, which can be fatal. Another thing that we should remember is that the sun and aging skin work hand in hand.

The sun causes the skin to age due to several factors. First, being out in the sun means that you can also be exposed to UV radiation. Your collagen, which provides your skin elasticity, can be broken down by UV radiation. Another factor why the sun brings about skin aging is it reduces the moisture that your body has, making your skin dry and look lifeless.

If you do not want these problems and you also do not want to stay away from the sun, you have to apply for protection. You can wear a cap or clothes that do not absorb heat. The best option, however, is for you to apply sunscreen before getting exposed to the sun. Make sure that your sunscreen has enough and appropriate sun protection factor and it will also protect you from both UV-A and UV-B radiation.

When it comes to the sun and aging skin, you can’t be too cautious! An ounce of prevention today will prevent a pound of wrinkles in the years to come.